What have you done for garden prep so far?

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It's not much to look at yet, but I got my first tomatoes on the vine this season! I'm a proud papa.... I also started picking carrots this morning too. Fresh carrots are so sweet, unlike the bland crap that comes from Walmart.
I'm looking into planting Bok Choy and ginger. I love these two together sautéed/steamed with olive oil, garlic, sea salt and crushed red pepper.
Pulled up all my peas & threw them to the goats for their breakfast. . . the peas were just about done with the heat we have been getting. I checked my sweet potatoes in the window sill and have 3 that have started leafing, but will wait till they gat a little bigger. One trellis that the peas were on will have sweet potatoes next. For the second trellis, well its still a toss up. I have been mulching walkways since we got all the feed (40 50lb bags) unloaded after our run this morning. My main walkway is done and have about 1/4 of the row walkways done. I have been putting it down relatively thick to keep the weeds down. Have 30 minutes till I need to start critter chores for this evening but wanted to take a breather. Hunny had a doctors appointment after work yesterday and didn't get done till after 5 so sweet hunny to me out for Mexican. We always order the big plate so end up bringing home 1/2 of it, so that is dinner tonight. I love my Mexican food! Picked my first eggplant this morning along with more zucchini, cucumbers, yellow squash, peas & green beans. Still waiting for my tomatoes to turn. . . Did notice that I had a few butternuts coming on the vine now. One is a couple inches. Can't wait!!
Yestersday I laid out the orchard area and started drilling holes to plant the fruit trees and berries. Checked the weather forecast and they're calling for mid 20's and snow late tonight. So the wife and I put all the trees and berry plants in the barn and decided to go visit the kids and grandbabys for a few days. We'll try planting again on Monday.
It's definitely on my list now too. I don't need it till spring though.
I checked out tillers at Tractor Supply when I was there on Tuesday, but they were only rated for up to 50 HP. I looked online and found a nice one rated for 80 HP for $3800. I can wait until next spring too.
I pulled green beans plans this morning to feed to the goats cause they were just about done. I already have some more planted but it will still be a couple weeks before they start producing. When we got back home this evening I snipped off the tops of onions in order to make bigger bulbs. I did end up pulling three that were ready. Hunny helped me take down the trellis that I had my peas planted so I could till those two rows and hoping he will be able to help me put them back up, but if not, it's just a few t post and field fencing so no big deal. Just cumbersome if doing by yourself. Where I pulled the green beans this morning also got tilled up for planting tomorrow. Almost have all my sweet potato slips leafing, still waiting on a couple more before I plant.
Hunny helped putting back up the trellis before heading to the shop to work on my tractor. It had gotten painted today but still in pieces but should be put back together by Wednesday. I refilled my old bean row and planted again with Contenders. I thought I would do another type but I already had enough of everything else planted already. I don't have a bunch of sweet potato slip since this is a first try at it but planted what I had ready on one of the trellis. Just couldnt wait. The other I planted Hales Best Cantaloupe and some Christmas Poles. Boiled up 16 dozen eggs for pickled eggs that I just finished canning up. Also cut 24 lbs of cucumber & have them soaking in pickling lime to make some more pickles after work tomorrow. While I was boiling eggs, hunny came home wanting to make a run into town to order the decals for my tractor. Wasn't about to pass that up so moved my boiled eggs to the back burner to finish cooking in the hot water. They were hard to peel when I got back but I had both my dogs on either side waiting for me to throw a not so pretty egg to them. . . they sure didn't mind. Ended up with 14 quarts. Mainly I got 12. to a jar but a few got 13.
Tuesday was an all day thing for me. I was up for work at 4 am & then hunny had an am MRI scheduled on his shoulder which I found out on lunch break he was scheduled for a 3 pm appointment to find out results which meant after getting off work at 2 needed to go pick him up. Anyhow, partial torn, but no surgery. Just need to limit his movement and how he picks up & works on things. His mom called while we were in the official CE to say she couldn't get her garage door to work so stopped there to from x and also the print shop cause they didn't get the design right when they sent email for conformation and in town anyway. On the way home, stopped by the shop so I could see my freshly painted tractor then home to finally start my canning. After cleaning the kitchen, was crawling n bed at about 10:30. The garden is slowly coming along . . IMG_20170517_133141.jpg IMG_20170517_133106.jpg
I picked my first home grown crop in two years today! The Spinach I have growing in one of the planters has grown enough for a harvest and we had it in an omelette tonight. It's amazing what a few days of warmth and some rain will do.
I have an explosion of Beans in the greenhouse and they are almost ready to plant out.
If we don't get any rain tonight or tomorrow it should be dry enough to plant the orchard and berries on Sunday. Got the lumber cut out to build 6 more raised beds. Today got up to 60 degs, if the weather holds I might be able to start planting the veggies in a couple of weeks. Tomorrow I'll put up the trusses on the chicken coop and get it under roof. The wife put in her chicken order today. She's getting 25 egg layers to start.
If we don't get any rain tonight or tomorrow it should be dry enough to plant the orchard and berries on Sunday. Got the lumber cut out to build 6 more raised beds. Today got up to 60 degs, if the weather holds I might be able to start planting the veggies in a couple of weeks. Tomorrow I'll put up the trusses on the chicken coop and get it under roof. The wife put in her chicken order today. She's getting 25 egg layers to start.
Your wife is going to love having fresh yard eggs. . . maybe not all the dust in the house depending on where you are keeping them till they get big enough for the coop. Ours stayed in a playpen at first with the foam mattress taken out and a 1/2 in plywood in its place with a heat lamp. Kept in the spare bedroom. Dusty little things with all their scratching around.

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