We are DOOMED, again, or are we, or is it to late????

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governments lie all the time about a lot of things mainly for political ends, and one of the things they lie about is the amount of oil reserves they have, I suspect this is so as to not panic the masses. I know new oil fields have been announced from time to time but we the public have no proof of the validity or not of these claims, are we just supposed to trust their word for it? yeah right!
there is still I believe some North Sea oil but I think most of the UK oil is purchased on the open market and imported-along with a lot of other things.
it dosent really bother me, as once SHTF and the power goes off I shall revert to a simpler non oil, non electric lifestyle that I have lived before.

You lack evidence. In my region, I don't have to drive far to find areas where you go 10-20 miles and all you smell is sulfur from the oil wells. Every hill and every valley. It's hard to believe we're out of oil when that's all you smell for miles and miles and miles.
bigpaul, walk through how making everyone believe we have more than enough oil is good for the oil companies.

I personally have some interest in oil wells that I inherited from my father. I can tell you that oil surpluses make my royalties go down. Oil shortages make my royalties go up. Why would the oil companies make up a lie that causes their profits to go down? It seems counter intuitive to me. What am I missing?
governments always lie about how much oil reserves there are, cant afford to frighten the sheeple can they!
I don't think it applies here in the UK because I don't think we have any oil reserves, only whats bought on the open market.
we haven't even got enough power stations, if there is a shortfall in electricity supplies, and there is every winter, we buy extra supplies from the continent, so it wouldn't take much for the lights to go off.
governments always lie about how much oil reserves there are, cant afford to frighten the sheeple can they!
I didn't say "governments" I said "oil companies."

I was responding to this comment you made:
oh well suit yourself, you've obviously been programmed by the lies of the oil barons.
Look at all the ancient civilizations that existed before or during the last ice age. They got wiped out by ocean rise after pulse 1B I think. And they weren't using freon or burning coal, that we know of. Certainly not in the scale we do now. The oceans rose, what, 40 to 60 feet in a few hundred years?

1 foot of ocean rise? 3 degree temperature rise? Pffft. I ain't scared, bring it.

We are an imminently adaptable species.
The Liberal snowflakes will melt and fade away. The unprepared may or may not be able to adapt and the prepper's will enjoy the new beach front property.
I disagree. People are the people they are NOW because they can be.

When I first joined up here I did some posts on people's reactions to natural disasters. And mostly, people got over their politics, and religious beliefs, and their "class" and got down to the business of being survivors and human beings.

I've come across a guy bleeding to death from his head in a public toilet in Japan, I've been first or second on several bad car wrecks and one bad bicycle accident, I prevented a gang rape through violence against the perpetrators, I've had to assist (pretty uselessly, not my rate) injured overseas...

Man, nobody was asking political views or religion, or anything. People get a shocked looked on their face, go through a few seconds of panic, and then get to work.

It's a different story if there is time, then yeah, people might think about it.

But in SHTF? Starving snowflakes will quickly figure it out. Some may be too late, many will be just the bee's knees as raiders and refugees.
sorry but I think too many preppers give the sheeple far too much credit, they will not adapt-not fast enough anyway, anyone that lives in a big city expects everything to be on hand when they need it, food, water, sewage, public transport etc and when it isn't they wont know what to do because they have never had to or someone else has always done it for them.
I think it all depends on where one lives. There isn't too many "sheeple" around where I live. Most people here are very self reliant, independent, resourceful and hard working. And most would fit the definition of "prepper" without knowing it.
Some people here on this site have a very low opinion of how people will react during SHTF. They think everyone (except for preppers) will become blubbering idiots and will just sit and starve while they wait for government to help them. While this maybe true for many in the inner cities and heavily congested urban areas, I think most in the rural areas will pull together and survive quite well. At least they will around where I live, and the bottom lines is that's all I care about. Don't be too quick to underestimate people on their ability to servive a serious SHTF event.
I was referring to city and urban dwellers, most who have a low opinion of rural dwellers in my country, even many of my neighbours are urban based and know very little about country matters, most people in the UK are anti hunting and anti gun.
urban dwellers rely on food outlets and have no concept of self reliance in fact they would laugh at such an idea, everything is disposable and buy new, nobody repairs anything and food is bought almost on a daily basis-well it is in the city, nobody there has a larder or food store apart from some "munchies"- crisps, biscuits and candy mostly.
you will understand most of my comments are based on what happens and what folk are like in the UK, I have no knowledge of life in the US.

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