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I do have and wear a mask when out and around others,I am the only one at my house,,I hope fiddo is immune to the crap if I did get a touch of it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I have done some looking and a person usually is not contagious for 3 days or more,,,,,,,,the neighbor is past the 3 days not sure how far past but says he feels the same as he always had,,,,,,I will know by next weekend how his test comes out
What we are finding is Food Lion seems to one of the least stocked stores. Maybe that is because it is headquartered in NC so people head there first (that and Walmart). But, my local Food Lion seems to be the one that restocks the TP fairly often. Myself, I have a sufficient supply but if I come across some, I will grab it for my neighbors, especially the ones with kids that always needs more. In addition to TP, I also have a good supply of paper towels, Napkins and facial tissues, all which can be used once someone was out of TP.

Next time I am driving thru Alamance Co on 85/40 (maybe this weekend), I will be sure to honk the horn. :D So that fool you hear honking the horn out there, just may be me. :cool::cool::cool:
Ha ha ha, I hear ya.
I have enough TP and paper products too. I ordered a bidet and plan to hook it up the next few days. I save ya the details but when I was reading reviews, so many Americans having started using them because of the TP shortage. We are the last country to get on board with the bidets. The selling point for me came from a person reviewing his purchase, he wrote, "if you stepped in a pile of dog poop, would you wipe it off with paper or wash it off?"
What's new where I live...
NC Attorney General's Office in Raleigh received over a 1000 complaints for price gouging including a FB Marketplace seller asking $100.00 for a roll of toilet paper.
North Carolina coyote sightings increase. Wildlife Resources Commission say it is because people are not outside.
There were over 400 confirmed cases of Covid 19 in NC in one day.total confirmed cases are 4,312 from 91 counties.
There are 80 deaths statewide and we are scheduled to peak on April 16.
what is scary is I have been around him 3 days ago,,,,,now I am sweating bullets until his test comes back
Morning GG, hate to hear this!!!! Wish the best and God bless. Have you gotten MMS? Did you read my upload in "what's new in your town" page 26? Get your help from Rellgar and Maverick. Wishing the best for you and your neighbor. JUST don't get depressed and worry about something which is not here yet, even if it comes, fight!! Gary
I just called the Arkansas HOTLINE,,,,no one is there until Monday......that sucks

I wouldn't worry, especially about a hotline. Are you taking vitamin C, D3, Zinc? Get some sun, fresh air and light excersize.
the day I was around him we were outside and there was a breeze that day and I never was closer than 4 feet to him
Was he coughing?

Look for
Loss of smell/taste (this is probably good since it is often the only symptom in mild cases)
Dry cough
Buzzing feeling all over

And take Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc.
I wouldn't worry, especially about a hotline. Are you taking vitamin C, D3, Zinc? Get some sun, fresh air and light excersize.
I don't take any vitamins ,never have taken them and I am outside everyday as for excersise yeah ,people don't think of work as excersize but I am active every day
Just my take as a critical care physician and what we are doing in practice.
1. Assume everyone has the infection and take distancing precautions. That doesn’t apply to intimate partners unless they are at risk or symptomatic
2. Usual sanitizing precautions as is widely published.
3. Best self monitoring things to do are watching for symptoms signs of respiratory infections such as
Persistent cough
Unusual tiredness on exercise

Those are not necessarily immediate reasons to see a doctor as treatment will not be changed. Home care is basic
( rest, Tylenol,) Heightened need for isolating oneself from others.

Main reasons to see doc is any of :
1. shortness of breath
2. Pains in chest
3. Checking on blood oxygenation by use of pulse oximeter ( available at most pharmacies or Amazon about $100). If oxygenation is below 90% at sea level then MUST see a doc urgently
3. Temperature above 99.5 Fahrenheit
4. Worsening of any symptoms.

Personally I don’t think that testing will change anything if one assumes that everyone is infected. There is no specific cure for the bug at this time. All treatment is based on supporting body functions and addressing symptoms.

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