Who needs a gym membership?

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the one thing i love about barbed wire.is it'll at least slow down intruders,at least some what dureing the day..then there's the yells screams and certain words you'd hear on a dark night.. :rolleyes:
We have talked a lot about being healthy to help us thru any emergency in many posts around here. I have had several people ask me to join a gym with them in the last couple years. I think prepping and a homestead lifestyle is better exercise than a gym anyday! I had to drop a nice white pine due to a lightning strike, and a slight lean towards the house. I got about 2/3's of it split today. I'll finish tonight hopefully and then cart it over to the firewood bins on the fence line of the property. We had an unusually cold winter so I have a lot of restocking to do this summer.View attachment 4239
First off... I agree. Homestead living is far healthier. The settlers didn't run down to their local 24 Hour Fitness!
Second... That is beautiful property you have there! Yes, I am jealous. I am in a stucco & cement jungle!
First off... I agree. Homestead living is far healthier. The settlers didn't run down to their local 24 Hour Fitness!
Second... That is beautiful property you have there! Yes, I am jealous. I am in a stucco & cement jungle!
I had to work in a concrete jungle for twenty years before I decided to throw in the towel and make the move here. It also took some adjusting to a slower pace of life. I kind of wish I had done it much sooner. Now instead of how to make more money I look for ways to need less of it.
Some bright colored tied ribbon at intervals along the fence can help visibility too. We have to do it for our border's dumb horses that can't seem to tell where the electric wire is. For our horses, we never needed the electric, but hers aren't fully trained.

instead of how to make more money I look for ways to need less of it.

That....is a brilliant quote.
Some bright colored tied ribbon at intervals along the fence can help visibility too. We have to do it for our border's dumb horses that can't seem to tell where the electric wire is. For our horses, we never needed the electric, but hers aren't fully trained.

The hills are rolling hills, doing 25-30mph in a quad one would be upon the wire before they knew it, the reflectors on a pole 10' above the wire would show up at a distance under headlights unlike ribbons but the kids wanted to make a project out of it, the place is going to be theirs when I'm gone so I give them some leeway as long as it's worth the effort, good experience for them plus a whole lot cheaper making the timber to use and as Brent said above timber is expensive if one had to purchase it.
Great work!!! Beautiful views, too!! I'm afraid we'd be in bad shape if I had to split a lot of wood at one time. I live in the city so I did join a gym, but it was at work and only a one time fee of $10. We're thinking of getting a manual log splitter like this

The reviews are pretty good and a coupon brings the price down. I'm sure some of y'all could make one of these in an afternoon, but we don't have to room for a lot a cool equipment.
Great work!!! Beautiful views, too!! I'm afraid we'd be in bad shape if I had to split a lot of wood at one time. I live in the city so I did join a gym, but it was at work and only a one time fee of $10. We're thinking of getting a manual log splitter like this

The reviews are pretty good and a coupon brings the price down. I'm sure some of y'all could make one of these in an afternoon, but we don't have to room for a lot a cool equipment.
They will work, but slowly. I use a star wedge and a sledge hammer some. You don't have to swing it really hard, just keep tapping it in until it splits. Either way, by hand or a Manuel splitter, I think not having to rely on gas or electricity is smart. Not to mention the exercise benefits.
Great price on that splitter though. I really like Harbour freight for a lot of things.