Helpful Info. What's the deal with hydroxychloroquine and Z-pak?

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Oh, would you look at that!

As of November 2020, the AMA has suddenly had a change of heart about hydroxychloroquine! 🤔
Oh geez, that is such a weird coincidence that it happened right around the election and Trump appeared to be out of the picture now!
Page 18:

Whereas, The COVID-19 pandemic is a serious medical issue, people are dying, and
2 physicians must be able to perform as sagacious prescribers; therefore be it
4 RESOLVED, That our American Medical Association rescind its statement calling for physicians
5 to stop prescribing hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine until sufficient evidence becomes
6 available to conclusively illustrate that the harm associated with use outweighs benefit early in
7 the disease course. Implying that such treatment is inappropriate contradicts AMA Policy
8 H-120.988, “Patient Access to Treatments Prescribed by Their Physicians,” that addresses off
9 label prescriptions as appropriate in the judgement of the prescribing physician (Directive to
10 Take Action); and be it further
12 RESOLVED, That our AMA rescind its joint statement with the American Pharmacists
13 Association and American Society of Health System Pharmacists, and update it with a joint
14 statement notifying patients that further studies are ongoing to clarify any potential benefit of
15 hydroxychloroquine and combination therapies for the treatment of COVID-19 (Directive to Take
16 Action); and be it further
18 RESOLVED, That our AMA reassure the patients whose physicians are prescribing
19 hydroxychloroquine and combination therapies for their early-stage COVID-19 diagnosis by
20 issuing an updated statement clarifying our support for a physician’s ability to prescribe an FDA21 approved medication for off label use, if it is in her/his best clinical judgement, with specific
22 reference to the use of hydroxychloroquine and combination therapies for the treatment of the
23 earliest stage of COVID-19 (Directive to Take Action); and be it further
25 RESOLVED, That our AMA take the actions necessary to require local pharmacies to fill valid
26 prescriptions that are issued by physicians and consistent with AMA principles articulated in
27 AMA Policy H-120.988, “Patient Access to Treatments Prescribed by Their Physicians,”
28 including working with the American Pharmacists Association and American Society of Health
29 System Pharmacists. (Directive to Take Action)
Thanks! We're both feeling better today, and it's been a week. Hopefully, no setbacks on day 10 or 14. We've been warned. Have been worrying about this plague for 9 months of our lives now, and if this is all there is, then we got this. Not worth an economic collapse for our nation, I can tell you that.