What have you done for garden prep so far?

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I finally got all my grape vines fixed up. I had to replace all the wood posts, and for some reason some moron had strung them with barb wire. I had a big spool of the nasty stuff when I first planted the grapes so I used it. Was a drag when mowing the area and brushing up against it. Anyways, while replacing the posts I re strung it all with a heavy galvanized wire too. It was a buggar to unwind the barb wire out of the grape vines, but am finally done with it. Yeah! I've been working on it for weeks now, a couple hours here and there. Today was almost all day, but worth getting it completed!
Our stuff appears to have survived a moderate frost last night. 34f this morning, 45f tonight, highs back to the 80s next week... crazy weather...
Glad you don't have to replant. This really should be the last cold spell. Now I'm just hoping to not jump straight into severe heat and drought like last year.
Me too Sally! Warm up and dry out a little. Just think Article, when it is late July & August you can rub it in about all your cucumbers & squash you can be getting. . . that time of year it just gets to hot and the only thing I cab grow then is dried beans!:)
I just got motivated to go out and plant the rest of the outside garden. The tender crops like peppers, toms, cukes, and squashes. I have a list of stuff higher on the priority, but Danil just reminded me how short our window can be here.
I haven't even thought about sowing squash, cukes, french beans and corn yet. Still far too early as we can get frosts as late as the end of May. I'll be sowing the winter root veg this week, carrots, swede and parsnips. I got a row of potatoes in and the Broad beans are planted out, but I ran out of energy before I could sow peas so I will do that little job some time this week.
The citrus trees look very smart in their new pots and compost, I have them outside during the day to enjoy the sun and then pop them back in the greenhouse at night.
I bought my Tomato plants some green bell peppers and Strawberry plants today and some seed potato ,,,,I know I do not have enough seed potatoes I think I will buy some russets and put them in the dark for a week or 2,,according to the planting chart I have I have until mid may to plant them,,,,sounds late to me but what do I know
I bought my Tomato plants some green bell peppers and Strawberry plants today and some seed potato ,,,,I know I do not have enough seed potatoes I think I will buy some russets and put them in the dark for a week or 2,,according to the planting chart I have I have until mid may to plant them,,,,sounds late to me but what do I know
I planted potatoes early as I'm hoping to use some of the first crop to seed a second fall crop. That way I can have some left for springs crop, and so on.... I'm working on sustainability just in case we can't go to the local feed and seed one day. And as far as onions go, definately one of my favorite flavors in most things I cook.
I planted the rest of the garden today. Corn & different beans. Hunny came home from work early so we cleaned out the old hay from the big pasture to pile up for compost. I used up the rest of my mulch today and found out that the dump is not giving any more away until May 6th. Glad I didn't start in on my walkways yet.
I think ours is pretty much finished. Went and bought a plastic owl to keep the €{*{*€€~^>|^]!!! tree rats from digging in it. That and some leftover fox urine from hunting to assist the owl. Seems to be working so far.
I will get it all planted this coming weekend,between now and then I am digging out as many rocks as I can and maybe enlarging the area a bit,,,,if rocks had any value I would a rich S.O.B.
Were covered in them too. Lots of Quartz, which they say is a good indicator of gold, but so far just rocks....
I think ours is pretty much finished. Went and bought a plastic owl to keep the €{*{*€€~^>|^]!!! tree rats from digging in it. That and some leftover fox urine from hunting to assist the owl. Seems to be working so far.
My outside dogs keep the squirrels at bay, but the crows are a big problem here. I have wild rabbits all over too, but the fences have kept them from much damage so far. I learned early on in this gardening thing, every garden needs fencing here.
I will get it all planted this coming weekend,between now and then I am digging out as many rocks as I can and maybe enlarging the area a bit,,,,if rocks had any value I would a rich S.O.B.
Since you have experience digging rocks now, maybe you could take some of mine too. I have acres and acres of rocks on the ranch, but our new garden area doesn't have a single rock in it.
I just finished sowing the winter greens. The Kale and Brussels I sowed last week are up and Purple Sprouting Broccoli is now in. The Peppers are still sulking, I hope I don't lose them too. It's been cold this week so I've not done much outside.
Sitting on the front porch in my rocking chair after work watching my garden grow in this gentle rain. . . my garden seeds that I planted a couple days ago are getting watered in and even have a few of the Silver Skins that I planted last week poking thru. Snow peas are climbing with some blooms and some pods forming. Zucchini started blooming today . . . yep, pretty happy on how it is going so far, except my pepper s are still not liking the weather, yet. Finally off tomorrow and should be nice out to do some weeding. Guess my break is over and need to go start folding clothes and dinner.