What have you done for garden prep so far?

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i still need to get my garden tilled up..but just like you..the ground is to wet..it's kinda like a miniature swamp out there right now...
I was almost done, but the lower part of the garden was just not dry enough. At least I've done more than 3/4 of it, so it won't take long to finish now.
I was about to take a trip to my little garden,just to see how it looks there...not today..it's snowing....
absolutely YUK! it should be only a temporary setback,a few days and spring is back..it we trust the weather guys ;)
i cant even go out to where my garden is,without waders on..pluss it hasn't been mowed yet this year..on account it's simply to wet and it's flooded in one area between the garden and backdoor....
i cant even go out to where my garden is,without waders on..pluss it hasn't been mowed yet this year..on account it's simply to wet and it's flooded in one area between the garden and backdoor....
Hey, at least you're getting rain. With all the drought news about the southwest, and many other places in the world, I'm really greatfull for it. I just saw a story where Mexico city is having major issues. Some of the poor pay 30% of their income for drinking water. It's so bad there the city is actually sinking from all the water having been pumped out. There's a documentary series on TV called water wars. It's about the global issues with drinking water. Even though it's really interesting, it's terribly depressing!
i think i had seen water wars advertised on tv one time..and because of the drought(s) the states west of me are having..moving to a state west aint a option for me,..
i think i had seen water wars advertised on tv one time..and because of the drought(s) the states west of me are having..moving to a state west aint a option for me,..
Yeah, I'd like to see the desert again, but not live anywhere near it. When I was in the army and stationed at San antonio we drove down to Laredo one weekend. The desert was beautiful in its own way. I saw the big standing cactus, and tumble weeds blowing across the road. It was interesting, but you sure don't want to break down anywhere along there in the summertime.
Glad I didn't plant the outside garden yet. I just learned it is supposed to freeze this weekend. I have some potatoes in the ground, but will bury any sprouts so they will be ok. I can close the greenhouse up, and may throw a small heater out there just to be safe. I have a lot of new tender sprouts in there that I don't want to loose. Mother Nature has a way of sneaking up on you!

we have spring here ;) ,taken local time 1911 hrs today.........
We've still got 16" of snow on the ground, 28° outside.
Never saw anything like this in the 40 years I've been homesteading here.
The climate has definitely been changing up here the past few years.

We've got 28 flats of veggies started in the solar greenhouse (attached to house)

We will move them out to the main greenhouse pretty soon.
Main greenhouse last summer:

As soon as the temps are up to 60-70° outside, we'll do direct planting of squash, etc.
We start all plants in the "solarium" and greenhouse attached to front of our earth-sheltered home (cutaway shown in post #33 above).
Some winter crops (mostly salads & greens) are grown in the house as well. The big tank (in windows) is for hydroponics.



We heat the main "commercial" greenhouse (above post #33) with a large wood furnace made out of an old heating oil tank,
backed up by an unvented propane heater just in case my arthritis or occasional plain "laziness" kicks in ;)


We don't heat all winter, just enough in early spring to keep plants growing.
We have a 20 acre woodlot on the homestead that grows faster than we can burn the wood from it.
I have an old small wood stove, and will probably be put it in my greenhouse this summer. I really don't grow in it in winter except carrots, beets and mabey some onions. It does allow me to start early and grow later in the season though as is. I also have a kerosene stove for a backup heat source, and could put that out there, but haven't yet.I watched a show on earth built homes, with the same design as your picture and diagram. It's a really low maitenance design that's really practicle and efficent. I'm pretty well set here for life now, but if I do build another place, that will be the design.
made bio sand filter to clean gray system fill 3 250 gallon tanks water for plants
You mean california lets you recycle water! :) Sorry, it's no joking matter with the water issues all over the west. It's sad that they are just now getting serious about conservation and recycling. I'd be building desalinators like crazy right now if they put me in charge.
I'd be building desalinators like crazy right now if they put me in charge.

Yep, should have done it YEARS ago....
they have 1 but wouldn't turn it on

It's sad that they are just now getting serious about candonservation and recycling
what the bay area serious not watering there lawn and l a . they bitch bout us really lol
what so natural about 20 million peps on coast that out vote us