Anise Hyssop Seeds

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A True Doomsday Prepper
Apr 3, 2013
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small town texas
Anise Hyssop Seeds
Bring a delightful, rich scent to your herb garden with this robust wildflower!

Anise hyssop makes a delightful addition to mixed herbal teas and a fine tea all to itself. It has a delicate anise or licorice flavor. The tea is naturally sweet, so extra sweetener is not necessary. In fact the tea is so sweet that it can be used to sweeten other foods. Folklore medicine employed anise hyssop herbal tea to treat colds, coughs and fevers, to induce sweating, and to strengthen a weak heart.

Botanical Name: Agastache foeniculum Other Common Names: Licorice Mint, Blue Giant Hyssop
Features of Our Anise Hyssop Seeds
We take great care in preparing our anise hyssop seeds before they are shipped out. My Patriot Supply carries only the highest quality seeds that are packaged securely so your anise hyssop seeds arrive ready for you to use right away or store for later use.

  • Comes in E-Z Lock re-sealable, reusable triple-layered foil packets
  • Seeds are open pollinated and can be grown, harvested and replanted endlessly
  • Dried and sealed airtight for long-term storageNutritional value: A good source of vitamin C, calcium and iron
Growing Anise Hyssop
Growing anise hyssop from seed isn’t difficult to do. You can begin growing anise hyssop either indoors or outdoors in the fall and early spring. The seeds can be grown in USDA Zones 4-10 but they thrive best in zones 5-9. When planting, space the seeds 12” apart and a ¼” deep. Keep in mind that anise hyssop grows around 3 feet tall, but some people have reported their anise hyssop to be up to twice that tall.

The ideal location for growing anise hyssop will be one that gets plenty of sunlight, though it will handle partial shade relatively well. You’ll also need to make sure that the soil is well-drained. You do need to water anise hyssop seeds regularly but too much moisture isn’t good for growth.

Once the anise hyssop has matured it doesn’t require much maintenance and will self-seed, filling the space around it. But don’t worry, these plants are easy to weed if you’d like to keep them more sparse. Watch out for new wildlife in your yard, because anise hyssop puts off a wonderful aroma that will attract butterflies, bees and humming birds.

The herbal information on this web site is intended for educational purposes only. It is not the intention of MyPatriotSupply to advise on health care. Please see a medical professional about health concerns you may have.

Disclaimer - These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information on this web site is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

Considering the different things the FDA has given approval to lately, we are perfectly content NOT having their endorsement.





  • Comes in E-Z Lock resealable, reusable triple-layered foil packets
  • Seeds are open pollinated and can be grown, harvested, and replanted endlessly
  • Dried & sealed airtight for long-term storage
  • Nutritional value: A good source of vitamin C, calcium, and iron.