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I'm just saying maybe @Arcticdude should try not to say racist shit in the future because great men and women,including Abraham Lincoln have fought and died in the fight against racism, and it's immensely disrespectful to them to say racist shit because it causes division, AND because it's just a dumb survival strategy because being an asshole tends to piss people off, and in a SHTF scenario, you're likely to get SHOT for it.

But hey, go ahead, ignore that tidbit of advice, be an asshole, screw civil liberties and human rights; it's a free country! :rolleyes:

@bigpaul : And I'd never ask you to remove it or remove him lol. I've never implied anything like that.

@Arcticdude : You probably aren't racist, but being mixed-race myself, I kinda took strong offense to that word, sorry if I overreacted. It's right up there with the N word and is a good way to get slapped lmao. If you don't want to offend someone's race, don't use that word; that's all, no biggie, right? Right. ✌

....And yes I'm in this country legally lmao. 🤣

I don't care about offending somebodies race. They need to grow a pair. Ever hear the term honky? Whitey or any other number of RACIAL reference terms. They do not bother me and I am white. The WETBACKS are illegal invaders and need to be deported. BLM is just a bunch of lazy niggers, just like the white honky trash sucking up welfare monies. I don't play the be nice to folks that don't deserve my respect. AND YES, I do practice FREE speech. so if anybody is offended tough.
I don't care about offending somebodies race. They need to grow a pair. Ever hear the term honky? Whitey or any other number of RACIAL reference terms. They do not bother me and I am white. The WETBACKS are illegal invaders and need to be deported. BLM is just a bunch of lazy niggers, just like the white honky trash sucking up welfare monies. I don't play the be nice to folks that don't deserve my respect. AND YES, I do practice FREE speech. so if anybody is offended tough.
Proud to be a white deplorable. I have no regrets about the lack of melanin I was born without...
Just had to step back for a while. FYI I'm not a liberal; I'm just someone who was raised to believe in the importance of respect. Unlike you apparently, I was taught that it's supposed to be given freely to everyone; whether you like them or agree with them or not. It's easy to respect those that you agree with and admire; being respectful to people that you hate; that takes real strength. Just something to think about.
...Shit like this is why I only expect a visit from bad extraterrestrials; good ETs won't talk to us lol...or try to take us over "for our own good" (kinda like the Democrats) at which point the good ETs would become the bad ETs ANYWAY lol. 🤪

They're all bad. Trust no one lmao. XD
Just had to step back for a while. FYI I'm not a liberal; I'm just someone who was raised to believe in the importance of respect. Unlike you apparently, I was taught that it's supposed to be given freely to everyone; whether you like them or agree with them or not. It's easy to respect those that you agree with and admire; being respectful to people that you hate; that takes real strength. Just something to think about.
You're wrong there little girl. Respect is earned, not freely given.
@Arcticdude : You calling me "sweetie" and "little girl" and non-chalantly using a racial slur would ALL be evidence to the contrary lmao. (And it wasn't technically a bet btw lol.)

But sure, I'll humor you. Respect is the act of acknowledging that someone or something has worth. Nobody is completely and irrevocably worthless; all life is sacred, therefore respect should be expressed freely towards everyone regardless of one's personal feelings. It's one of the things that separates us from the animals; self awareness; the capacity to see the big picture. That's why respect is so important, aside from it just being good common sense for survival; for example, in a post-apocalyptic scenario, I'm far less likely to kill you and eat you if you refrained from using racial slurs around me lmao; respect and common decency just makes everything BETTER for everyone lmao. 😂
@Arcticdude : You calling me "sweetie" and "little girl" and non-chalantly using a racial slur would ALL be evidence to the contrary lmao. (And it wasn't technically a bet btw lol.)

But sure, I'll humor you. Respect is the act of acknowledging that someone or something has worth. Nobody is completely and irrevocably worthless; all life is sacred, therefore respect should be expressed freely towards everyone regardless of one's personal feelings. It's one of the things that separates us from the animals; self awareness; the capacity to see the big picture. That's why respect is so important, aside from it just being good common sense for survival; for example, in a post-apocalyptic scenario, I'm far less likely to kill you and eat you if you refrained from using racial slurs around me lmao; respect and common decency just makes everything BETTER for everyone lmao. 😂
All right Nora, I'll quit tugging your poney tail. You're ok.
Respect is earned and not an entitlement. I seriously doubt Hitler had any redeeming qualities and did not deserve anybody's respect, NOTE: Unicorns don't exist and your utopia does not exist either. Life is hard, deal with it without the race card or trying to teach your elders your form of society.
@tmttactical : Hitler was actually a wonderful painter lol. Hailed as a hero by those that were loyal to him. Loved by his friends and family. He was just another friggin' person, really; not subhuman, or evil incarnate. There are no real good guys and bad guys in this world; everyone is a combination of the two on varying levels of the spectrum; and sometimes what we see as despicable is just a cultural difference, like eating dogs lol.

...Hitler was also probably a little less likely to murdercate you if you at least appeared to treat him with respect lol, allowing you a potentially superior tactical advantage heh heh heh. 😈

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer as the saying goes. 😉
Again though; I hate Hitler and don't agree with him in any way, and would secretly be plotting his death if we were to interact in person, BUT I can still respect him despite all of that; just by being capable of putting myself in someone else's shoes, looking at the big picture, etc. What's the point of surviving if we lose our humanity in the process, amirite? XD