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What Fighting style do you favor?

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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
Curious what your favorite fighting style or martial art is? Do you favor Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Israeli style, MMA, etc?

I do realize there are many many more than listed, but these I figured where the most common. If you have experience with one not listed please share it, and let us know your experiences.
It used to be Karate, Taekwondo and Kung Fu. Now it is 6.5 Creedmoor, at long distance.
I still like .308 for distance and .45acp for up close and personal.
Curious what your favorite fighting style or martial art is? Do you favor Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Israeli style, MMA, etc?

I do realize there are many many more than listed, but these I figured where the most common. If you have experience with one not listed please share it, and let us know your experiences.

my favorite ambush with a baseball bat,,,,the A-HOLE never knows what hit him
I would have to say MMA . When much younger I would end up in a fist fight often . Of course a fist fight doesn't follow many rules or plans its just whatever it takes to win .
I was a boxing fan at one time . I would often say I could go a couple round with the Champ . Maybe even land a few on Them . Ali , Frazier , Sugar Ray .
But then I watched a Tyson Fight . Quickly realized that Nobody could last in the ring with Him ( In the early days of His career) .
These days I will fight if I had to . May even enjoy it . But may well use a equalizer .
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My favorite fighting style is evasion. If I can slip away from a situation unnoticed then I’m way ahead of the game. I will always avoid confrontation if possible. If it isn’t possible then I want to disable the person as quickly as possible with any means available. There is no such thing as a fair fight in the real world. Sporting events may have rules, I do not....
Problem with Shaolin Kung Fu is you have to be a Shaolin Monk for 30 years to really learn it.

But hot damn, those guys do some unbelievable stuff.
I agree. I have trained in the Shaolin style for 10 years and had the opportunity to go to Dangfong, China and train with the monks, being there made me realize that compared to the monks I will always suck!
Doc China is the last place on Earth I would visit,,,and I felt that way before the Corona virus
I would have loved to go there before this bug but right now I agree it’s at the bottom of my list as well.
Gendai (Newer) Japanese JuJutsu is king In my opinion. Things like Danzan Ryu and AikiOkami Ryu or Hikari Ryu are hard to beat. They were the first forms of MMA since they allowed and encouraged cross training in other arts and even had yearly gatherings to add potential new techniques to their knowledge base. They incorporate Wing Chun and Escrima/Kali or kenpo into their standard training but they also teach time tested throws and disarms that have saved my life time and time again.
Not to mention they have knife, gun and machete handling in their curriculum.
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Gendai (Newer) Japanese JuJutsu is king In my opinion. Things like Danzan Ryu and AikiOkami Ryu or Hikari Ryu are hard to beat. They were the first forms of MMA since they allowed and encouraged cross training in other arts and even had yearly gatherings to add potential new techniques to their knowledge base. They incorporate Wing Chun and Escrima/Kali or kenpo into their standard training but they also teach time tested throws and disarms that have saved my life time and time again.
Not to mention they have knife, gun and machete handling in their curriculum.

Sounds like a Martial Art that recognizes the need to have a complete game, including gun training. Punches, kicks and the grab arts are very important, close up but a bit lacking at say 100 yards. I wish I was young enough to try it out. Now I am only good at the Ma Bell approach, "Reach out and touch somebody long distance".
My fighting style is to avoid confrontation at all costs. When that fails hit them with everything you can, hard and fast, using any and every advantage you can. Then move on quickly and blend in with the gray man philosophy. I’ve always thought using your head to avoid confrontation was worth more than fighting skills. Smith and Wesson also help too.
I’ve worked with Fred. He’s talented but, in my opinion he hurts people unnecessarily in order to impress them. His style is a Kali/Silat, Savate hybrid. Most of what you see is Kali Silat. He’s tough and training with him is good if your young and don’t mind a shattered ear drum or six while being his student or demo dummy. 👍🏻
I trained extensively in Tae Kwon Do with some of the best. It has been a while ago, but I think enough is engrained into the muscle memory. Old age and diminished physical skills make me want to bring friends to the fight: Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson or Mr. Sig and Mr. Sauer. I don't leave home without them.
Unfortunately the reality of drawing your gun in a self defense manner is becoming a huge risk and liability. If it’s not truly a deadly encounter with actual weapons involved more than likely if you draw down your going to jail. Most of our protection experts end up doing at least 3 or 4 days in jail before finally having charges dropped or they have to make bail because the city or county is moving forward with brandishing charges of one form or another. If you don’t have hand to hand skills than I suggest getting good with OC. We recently tested POM spray and are now recommending it to our protection details. They sell one with a clip similar to a pocket knife.
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MMA and Karate for me. When I fight I try to match myself up with height with person or people I'm fighting. I'm fast and can easily take people down very quickly. But I'm not scared to take hits so I will some times rush them and would just start going to town on their face
That's my preferred hand fighting style. Your still using your hands ;)
I studied karate for a few years and one day the instructor made the point that if you are ever confronted by an assailant with a knife, the best thing to do is run. So I bought a big knife and began practicing concealing it in my pants. I quit karate not long after. They don't tell you the fact up front but when you complete the grading to black belt you immediately go on the police registry as such. No thanks.
Is that an Australian thing cause that rumor has been around since the 60s and I can say here in the states its BS, also I’ve looked all over Australian sites and can’t find any such law or mention of it. However, if you are stupid enough to walk into a police station and say that you need to “register your hands as a deadly weapon” I’m sure they’d be happy to start a file on your dumb self and use it to later convict you of some sort of aggravated assault because you bragged to a cop how “deadly” you are. Lol. Smh