While our economy collapses, Joe Biden gives it all away to Ukraine....................

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Awesome Friend
Apr 22, 2022
Central TX
And what do you want to bet it all gets laundered and right back into the Biden Crime Family pockets? I'm convinced they see the writing on the wall and are robbing the U.S. treasury (by way of DOD) before they "get out of Dodge". Looks good on paper and $$ to Ukraine is OK with the American people, even if the motivation is greed & personal aggrandizement of the cabal.
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And what do you want to bet it all gets laundered and right back into the Biden Crime Family pockets? I'm convinced they see the writing on the wall and are robbing the U.S. treasury (by way of DOD) before they "get out of Dodge". Looks good on paper and $$ to Ukraine is OK with the American people, even if the motivation is greed & personal aggrandizement of the cabal.

And now you see how we Europeans feel like.
Our gov's doing the same BS, giving away money, economy, social peace, weapons, future of our kids. And then they still aspect we're happy about they are "helping" this most corrupt piece of nothing and are surpirsed we don't stand up and shout "hooray" or "heil".
Yes. How much money has Sweden sent to Ukraine? 5.4 million? Where is it written WE have to carry the rest of the world?

Guess you're looking for something like this:
And don't forget how much every single one of us all has to pay more in the daily life just about "supporting Ukraine" - as we "love" to do in the eyes of your gouvernments..
Do you mean America should just turn away and let Putin do what he wants with Ukraine? How selfish are you?
Food and medical supplies is all one should be sending. I don’t believe the present Ukrainian government ever had the Ukrainian people’s well being at heart. The Zelenksy government serves the globalist agenda along with all the corrupt decadence that it brings. You have had the likes of George Sorus investing heavily in the Ukraine over the years
Do you mean America should just turn away and let Putin do what he wants with Ukraine? How selfish are you?

explain to us why a self-declared "anarchist" supports war and intervention and international governance? These are contradictory thoughts

Explain why Ukraine, which is one of the most corrupt, criminal governments/ societies in the modern world, has any moral high ground?

The only valid argument I can somewhat support is purely based on logistics: securing Ukraine's natural resources.

And if hurting Putin's Russia is the goal, we are royally messing that up: The Ruble is now one of the most stable currencies in the world, and they're selling more oil than ever

Did you know we've given more money to Ukraine in the 6 months than we spent on the war in Afghanistan in its first FIVE YEARS?😒
Do you mean America should just turn away and let Putin do what he wants with Ukraine? How selfish are you?

The Ukraine is crooked as hell!!!
Biden told the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating Barrisma for his sons dirty dealings or they can forget about all the money obama was going to send them.
And low and behold they fired the prosecutor.
Screw the Ukraine and Russia.
This is nothing more than a money laundering scheme so dems can line their pockets.
Dementia Joe gotta go;

how about instead of giving to Ukraine we take the same aid and help ourselves hear at home. and then convince the other NATO countries to join us in heavily sanctioning or taxing Russian made goods and services until Putin stops being a bully.

Just my $0.02 on the issue
Dementia Joe gotta go;

how about instead of giving to Ukraine we take the same aid and help ourselves hear at home. and then convince the other NATO countries to join us in heavily sanctioning or taxing Russian made goods and services until Putin stops being a bully.

Just my $0.02 on the issue

You are asking for rational thinking. Not gonna happen!
You are asking for rational thinking. Not gonna happen!

Correct you are sir;

our government has definitely lost sight of the vision of our forefathers for our great nation that they so eloquently set forth within the declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights of government by the people for the people.

Unfortunately until the sheeple wake up and realize that we're all in deep hence why I believe we should prepare for the worst while praying for the best.

Have a great day sir
Don't worry, here the economy is collapsing too and our governments are giving all the money to Ukraine while here people can't pay the bills anymore.
The payday will come for our politicians, but I better not write here in what form, in Italy the corrupt president has now resigned, the EU will now get scared because Italy is effectively bankrupt and the next president if there are elections of the EU will not like.
There will be more European politicians until the fall to make a start, either voluntarily or by other methods, it could be in hot winter here.
Dementia Joe gotta go;

how about instead of giving to Ukraine we take the same aid and help ourselves hear at home. and then convince the other NATO countries to join us in heavily sanctioning or taxing Russian made goods and services until Putin stops being a bully.

Just my $0.02 on the issue
I'd rather see the money given back to the tax payers. I personally don't see Russia as our enemy, China is. We will never hear the full truth about what Russia's interest in Ukraine is.
SOUNDS TO ME LIKE THE DEMS ARE PREPPING... GETTING AS MUCH MONEY INTO THEIR BOL as fast as possible, so as when Zelensky "wins" the "war"....they can all take their collective azzes to their new "homeland" and continue to live in luxury and have enough good food after the rest of the world has no black earth, no fertiliser, no wheat, no corn, no rapeseed and no money.
SOUNDS TO ME LIKE THE DEMS ARE PREPPING... GETTING AS MUCH MONEY INTO THEIR BOL as fast as possible, so as when Zelensky "wins" the "war"....they can all take their collective azzes to their new "homeland" and continue to live in luxury and have enough good food after the rest of the world has no black earth, no fertiliser, no wheat, no corn, no rapeseed and no money.

Ukraine as the new Switzerland?
Ukraine as the new Switzerland?

NEVER EVER!!! :rocket:

They don't have any kind of clue how it is to have an democracy and independence since 731 years.
We Swiss was proud enough to defend our country since 1291 - even with a lot of blood of our enemies.
And absolutly never we would accept an senile, insane, corrupt old man as our president. Neither an actor and comedian anyway.
Oh girl, how you dare to compare us Swiss with this corrupt nation without any objections like the Ukraine....
NEVER EVER!!! :rocket:

They don't have any kind of clue how it is to have an democracy and independence since 731 years.
We Swiss was proud enough to defend our country since 1291 - even with a lot of blood of our enemies.
And absolutly never we would accept an senile, insane, corrupt old man as our president. Neither an actor and comedian anyway.
Oh girl, how you dare to compare us Swiss with this corrupt nation without any objections like the Ukraine....

Not comparing...LOL. Questioning. Just couldn't see it happening.

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