What is your dream prep scenario?

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Dr Prepper

Super Friend
Feb 2, 2021
Greeley, CO
Amateur Radio Call Sign
I wanted to open up this thread to curve the general subject here, back to prepping. Say you have nearly limitless funds. What would your realistic dream prepping scenario be? Improve your existing land? Buy different land? More land? Go into detail on what you want on it, and out of it.
Honestly, I would buy land in the last corner in Siberia, it doesn't have to be much, but it has to be remote. I would disappear there where I would have my peace from the EU, from nonstop Corona News and my peace from big city politicians and would have enough canned food delivered four times a year. If you can still hunt, then it is also good.

It would probably not be a life where you can grow old, but it would have a great appeal.
Buy different land out in the American Southwest with state-of-the-art cameras, drones, and early warning systems. Enough land for live stock and any kind of farming (depending on where I hunker down) I can meat off of the land. Solar and wind power with backup generators attached to each. The nearest neighbors should be at least 10 miles away if not farther. Additionally:
  • A bunker to fit 10 survivors comfortably for 6 months. (Yes, I know the issues with bunkers, but again, no limit on money, right? I'd still have one. LOL)
  • An additional bunker for food storage and preservation with a year or more worth of food and water.
  • An extensive shooting range.
  • A ranch house with hidden storage for 6 months of preps, ammo, guns and supplies, plus an underground tunnel that leads to the bunker and an escape hatch at least half to a full mile away from the house. The house should also be fortified against small arms fire and alarmed against forced entry. One wing of the house would be devoted to medical, including radiation shower and a UV room, four to six beds for recovery, etc... . I could expand on just the house all night. :D
  • A barn with extensive workshop which includes wielding materials, benches, etc. and big enough to work on 2 large vehicles comfortably. The barn should have an adjoining room for gunsmithing and reloading.
  • Several (4 or more) water tanks, 500+ gallons each, this is in addition to a near-by water source, such as a spring or river.
  • The land should have at least 3 exit routes, 2 of which should be concealed to 'normal' observers, and this does not include the underground escape tunnel.
  • Three to four elevated observation points, either towers (less preferred) or cliff or mountain sides. Even a tree "fort" would help.
  • Radio tower and monitoring station.
  • Highspeed satellite Internet.
  • A bug out location no less than 25 miles away. This location can be a typical hunting cabin with backups of food, water, medical supplies, guns and ammo, and comms.

Okay, what am I missing? This is just a list I plastered out there, I"m sure I'll have more to add to it as I think along this fantasy road.
I personally want some high desert acreage. My "how many acres" is kinda open, but no less than 40. But since this is a dream, I want a whole section. Thats 640² acres. Or one square mile. You can pick one up, right now for a mere $65k. Or one of the better, flatter ones for $98k. From there I would have a few of the agricultural wells drilled so I could supply water to a few of those giant field sprinkler systems. A pivot, I believe their called. No idea on their cost. That way I have all the rain I want, on call. Then in another area, I would have a solar array. Complete with all the necessary fixins. Batteries, inverters, transformers. Then, my house would be something like you'd find in the Mexican desert. Stucco and terracotta. And a sizable one at that. Geothermal heating / cooling to assist with wood burning and regular refrigerated air. And a bunker under the house.... I say bunker, but really I mean a cold cellar. Where I would store all my... dr prepper stash. :D Then a chicken coop for sure, and I would learn on the fly about raising larger animals.
And once I have all the water, grown food, and raised food... generally figured out. I would like it to become a community. You live here, help out on the farm, as a job and you and your family will have a house, food, and water of your own. Given... you build your own house and your not a trouble maker.
My ideal is that nothing happens. My stored food goes to waste, I never use my firearm in self defense, and my entire family never suffers from a plague, a war, or any other manmade or natural disaster. If I can't have that, then next best is that God somehow let's me know what is coming, I move to some other side of the planet where I won't be affected, and I have my funds waiting for me there in a bank account. I don't really have much desire to live like someone below the poverty line, canning my own food, carrying water from a stream, living in a little shack in the middle of nowhere. I understand the appeal of living like that, but it would get old for me after a couple months. It seems to me that a lot of folks on this forum yearn for that lifestyle. There is really nothing stopping you. There may be enough remote land in the Rocky Mountains where you could disappear and live the simple life. You don't need any money to live that life.
The dream would be some few acres, water, solar, isolation but easy access to a town, low taxes, low insurance, great gun rights, Red State, moderate climate, some trees but not dense forest, no CC&Rs or other restrictions, no building code, far from a law enforcement office, not being surrounded by USFS or BLM land, no druggers nearby, ---anybody know where this is?
I'm fine where I am and can make this work but if I had the funds, dont even need to be limitless just a reasonable amount, I would move further North East in my county, I am remote here but not isolated, I would move to an area where few people go even now, these places do exist I have been there.
My ideal is that nothing happens. My stored food goes to waste, I never use my firearm in self defense, and my entire family never suffers from a plague, a war, or any other manmade or natural disaster. If I can't have that, then next best is that God somehow let's me know what is coming, I move to some other side of the planet where I won't be affected, and I have my funds waiting for me there in a bank account. I don't really have much desire to live like someone below the poverty line, canning my own food, carrying water from a stream, living in a little shack in the middle of nowhere. I understand the appeal of living like that, but it would get old for me after a couple months. It seems to me that a lot of folks on this forum yearn for that lifestyle. There is really nothing stopping you. There may be enough remote land in the Rocky Mountains where you could disappear and live the simple life. You don't need any money to live that life.
I completely agree the best scenario ever is for never needing your prepping supplies and skills. I really like my comfortable life and would really miss the things I’ve worked so hard to build. That being said, I realize that our whole system of power, water, and food is really very fragile. Life has a way of changing from time to time. That’s why I prep.
Move to Kansas, buy some land, build and off grid homestead. But I would settle for the right to own 22LR rifles and Pistols without formal police licencing.

they'll pay you to move to parts of Kansas - all kinds of free and finance friendly opportunities for the industrious person.

one of the US locations I'd love to see South African white farmers get an immigration shot at ....
I think my ideal scenario would be more about who I was with more than the where and what supplies. I would love to be part of a like minded community that helps each other and works together with no cult like religious ideas,
my dream post SHTF scenario is to be alone on land I own outright, with a small stone built cottage, maybe a small quarry and some woodland where I can live a basic simple life away from any form of "community" or "civilisation" and mind my own business. no visitors, no noise from traffic or air planes, just animal and bird noise. no electricity, no light pollution, just the stars at night.
I think we already have it. We own all the land that we could ever use, plus we have a forest service lease. Parts of this land is heavily timbered, mountain meadows, good water, clean air and lots of wildlife. We're 2 miles off the county road, 18 miles from town (pop 500), 4 miles from the nearest neighbor and county population of 2800. Our place is called an inholding, which means that we own land thats inside of 1.2 million acres of National Forest. We will never have neighbors close to our place. Even on the highest point on our property we can't see another house. And at night there are no yard lights to be seen anywhere. We're on solar power with backup generator.
We have all the equipment needed to work the property and to maintain 2 miles of road; tractor, 2 snow plows, snow cat with snow blower, 2 atv's, 2 jeeps and a truck. We also have a small gravel pit.
We try to be as self sufficient as possible here. We have a large garden area and orchard. We have laying hens, meat chickens in summer, and beef cattle. We butcher 2 steers in the fall, one for us and another for the kids.
I know that someday I'll be too old (63 now) to maintain miles of fencing, putting in 100+ ton of hay and plowing 3 miles of road by myself. So we're looking for another property about 75 miles south of our current location. Closer to a larger town (pop 6,000), lower elevation, with irrigation, and probably not over 100 acres.
Well if we are dreaming, I saw an under ground bunker/house built in a cavern with a stream, hydroponic garden, solar powered with massive living quarters, bunk rooms and plenty of room for guns and ammo. It even had a full kitchen with everything you could ever need, full gym with a small pool. Definitely out of my pay grade but we are dreaming.
My ideal is that nothing happens. My stored food goes to waste, I never use my firearm in self defense, and my entire family never suffers from a plague, a war, or any other manmade or natural disaster. If I can't have that, then next best is that God somehow let's me know what is coming, I move to some other side of the planet where I won't be affected, and I have my funds waiting for me there in a bank account. I don't really have much desire to live like someone below the poverty line, canning my own food, carrying water from a stream, living in a little shack in the middle of nowhere. I understand the appeal of living like that, but it would get old for me after a couple months. It seems to me that a lot of folks on this forum yearn for that lifestyle. There is really nothing stopping you. There may be enough remote land in the Rocky Mountains where you could disappear and live the simple life. You don't need any money to live that life.
We are all somewhat junkies of consumerism, but if someday you were forced to not have the products we have gotten so used to, you will go into a sort of shock and tend to shut down sort of. Basically quit. You are of no help to anyone at that point, basically a burden to others. None of us want to be that guy. We want to be the ones that shouldered the expected, sought responses, and had excess to help those of our choosing. It is my opinion that is why we do what we do. We see ourselves taking the bull by the horns, because we are leaders. Some people don't see the need ,because , they choose to not see what we think we see. We think some failures are inevitable. Maybe not, but we think so. Maybe I gloat in the thought of ,I told you so, for that I apologise. But since I do still spend the almighty dollar, I'm still an addict. The day I can walk away, to never spend another cent, then, I am clean. Then I am prepped. I am a free man that can choose my own destiny that no one else can manipulate. No more junkie. But for present I'm weening.
Move to Kansas, buy some land, build and off grid homestead. But I would settle for the right to own 22LR rifles and Pistols without formal police licencing.
Extremely unfortunately, With North Korea there could be radiation. Kansas is a target, but this is a dream.
I think we already have it. We own all the land that we could ever use, plus we have a forest service lease. Parts of this land is heavily timbered, mountain meadows, good water, clean air and lots of wildlife. We're 2 miles off the county road, 18 miles from town (pop 500), 4 miles from the nearest neighbor and county population of 2800. Our place is called an inholding, which means that we own land thats inside of 1.2 million acres of National Forest. We will never have neighbors close to our place. Even on the highest point on our property we can't see another house. And at night there are no yard lights to be seen anywhere. We're on solar power with backup generator.
We have all the equipment needed to work the property and to maintain 2 miles of road; tractor, 2 snow plows, snow cat with snow blower, 2 atv's, 2 jeeps and a truck. We also have a small gravel pit.
We try to be as self sufficient as possible here. We have a large garden area and orchard. We have laying hens, meat chickens in summer, and beef cattle. We butcher 2 steers in the fall, one for us and another for the kids.
I know that someday I'll be too old (63 now) to maintain miles of fencing, putting in 100+ ton of hay and plowing 3 miles of road by myself. So we're looking for another property about 75 miles south of our current location. Closer to a larger town (pop 6,000), lower elevation, with irrigation, and probably not over 100 acres.
Good for you! Don't run out of fuel. I hate to get old. But what you gonna do?

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