What a Food Shortage looks like (in Venezuela)

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Sep 7, 2013
LA SIBUCARA, Venezuela—Hours after they looted and set fire to a National Guard command post in this sun-baked corner of Venezuela earlier this month, a mob infuriated by worsening food shortages rammed trucks into the smoldering edifice, reducing it mostly to rubble.

The incident was just one of numerous violent clashes that have flared in pockets around the country in recent weeks as Venezuelans wait for hours in long supermarket lines for basics like milk and rice. Shortages have made hunger a palpable concern for many Wayuu Indians who live here at the northern tip of Venezuela’s 1,300-mile border with Colombia.

WSJ just pulled the article

Odd...You can search Google for "Venezuela’s Food Shortages Trigger Long Lines, Hunger and Looting" and read the whole article, but not if you click a link to it.
Wow except if that happens here. I'd expect it too be more violent. And we already have a third of the population here which expects the government not only to feed them but feed them better then the rest who feed themselves and feed them foods that taste good. They'd freak and riot if they had to eat rice and
Already like that in Southern Europe, in Greece people are dying from treatable illnesses, malnutrition etc, then you have MILLIONS of Algerians, Morrocans, Malians, Libyans, Syrians, Ethopians, Eritraeans, Sudanese, Iraqis, Afghans etc all heading north with open hands and empty bellies.

Personally I think this is being engineered to dump millions of disgruntled Muslims into westen Christian Europe.
according to what I have seen today on the news, I don't think any of this lot are going to be turned back, its all about where they can be put which country etc, nothing about stopping them, sure Hungary is building a fence at the border but they are leaving a big gap in it for a DISUSED railway line so the migrants just simply walk along that, now who would have figured that???:D:p
i right click the links.then open them in a new window..and unless a web site requires that a person signs in no matter what.i have no problems with reading the articles...
In the US it's been reported that food banks are running out of food, NY has been hit especially hard, I know the local food bank that Lisa volunteer and donates to has been struggling, to really get a grasp of the situation go volunteer at your local food bank, one of the big problems I notice is local farmers bring in boxes and boxes of greens, tomatoes, flour, corn meal etc... and most of it gets thrown away, practically everyone that comes in have no clue how to prepare food from scratch, the young is clueless. Here are three links as a sampling of the shortage.



that's sad..good stuff wasted 'cause people don't know what to do with it....
In the US it's been reported that food banks are running out of food, NY has been hit especially hard, I know the local food bank that Lisa volunteer and donates to has been struggling, to really get a grasp of the situation go volunteer at your local food bank, one of the big problems I notice is local farmers bring in boxes and boxes of greens, tomatoes, flour, corn meal etc... and most of it gets thrown away, practically everyone that comes in have no clue how to prepare food from scratch, the young is clueless. Here are three links as a sampling of the shortage.



Maybe an empty belly will do them some good. Anyone can go to the library and get a cook book. Maybe the food banks could pass out cooking guides with the fresh food. Everywhere I go in the US there are Help Wanted signs. The company that I was working for hired over 900 people last year, and most were for unskilled laborer jobs. I don't see much reason for anyone that's healthy to be without a job and have to depend on begging.
I give to 3 Org's that help people here and around the World not only do they provide food and other stuff they teach them how to be sustainable . I do not give in a way that enables others to live the life style that got them to the low point they are in .
The street begging has become a industry of its own , in some cases it resembles a pimp and his girls , many time its the Dad and his family put them out to beg and they better not come back with nothing . Just a few years ago you would not see that here now its every day . I guess this Nation has been fundamentaly changed .
The biggest problem, a good number of the hungry young don't want to learn the old ways much less work, a good number prefer to live off everyone else's dime it's free money to them. Ya, I see help wanted signs all over here but yet the food banks are overwhelmed now I do understand single parents with kids are going to have a rough go at it never the less, they are options out there then we have many that would prefer to steal food than to learn to cook.
I'm 32 so on the older side of the millenials. I work for a very small company. We hire untrained people train them in and they get a real decent wage and don't fire people. But all the younger millenials refuse to work or get hurt feelings and quit shortly after hired. Dude if they cant handle having there fragile feelings hurt, how are they going to survive a shtf situation? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this is going to fail shortly. Their isn't enough of us willing to work to support them and throw the illegals on the equation. The system is screwed.
we have households in the UK with 3 generations in them and none have ever worked. we have kids who think they will leave school and walk into a well paid job, they all want IT work nobody wants to be a plumber or a brickie(bricklayer) nobody wants to get their hands dirty anymore.
I'm 32 so on the older side of the millenials. I work for a very small company. We hire untrained people train them in and they get a real decent wage and don't fire people. But all the younger millenials refuse to work or get hurt feelings and quit shortly after hired. Dude if they cant handle having there fragile feelings hurt, how are they going to survive a shtf situation? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this is going to fail shortly. Their isn't enough of us willing to work to support them and throw the illegals on the equation. The system is screwed.
Simple answer; they wont survive. Once our country quits printing money, or China demands payment, and we go bankrupt, we wont be able to pay for all of these handouts. Personally I don't believe that money (taxes) should ever be taken from those who produce and given to those who don't, for any reason.