Must Read The Globalist take over of the world.

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It's always been the globalists. Marxism is just their implementation tool. Look at globalists money movement. The international banksters are behind all this. They control the press, the entertainment industry, the mega corporations, the MSM.... everything. That's why we have to be ready to fight... physically fight, not just bitch on the internet
Australia and New Zealand have fallen!
Many U.S. cities and states are in the process or have begun to fall.

Hong Kong has Fallen.

Update where the Globalists have taken control.
Australia & NZ have fallen not as far as can evaluate that may change once the comfort cushion of job seeker is removed and the real devastation to our economies from the lockdowns and boarder closures are fully realised. Hong Kong is fallen I think not it’s has always belonged to homeland China it was ceded to the British under duress from the outcome of the opium wars . The lease I do think ended in 1995. What should have happened is that people should have been given the choice to move elsewhere if they chose many yrs prior to the hand over.
The cashless society is a most terrifying thought that is when freedom shall be no more. At the flick of a switch all your accounts and cards can be frozen. It only takes one tyrant or political party that deems you to be a enemy of the state for whatever reason they think to render your life useless. At least in a cash society you could always rely on money you had put aside. I’m sorry to hear that outlets in your country will no longer accept cash.. I think in Australia it’s only the public transport system has gone that way. But with everywhere else cash is legal tender and cannot legally refused
But with everywhere else cash is legal tender and cannot legally refused
31 U.S.C. § 5103
United States coins and currency (including Federal reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal reserve banks and national banks) are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes and dues.

But for commerce, legal tender can be refused. A business can legally say that they only accept credit cards as payment in advance. The "in advance" part is crucial. It is not the payment of a debt but a simple business transaction, and the terms can be dictated by either party. It the other party refuses those terms then you simply don't do business. However if you enter into a contract with a business, then I believe they must accept legal tender because you are contractually obligated to pay, making it in effect a debt.

Doctor bills, utility bills, gym dues, etc. fall under the legal tender law.

So, for example, if you go into a restaurant, order food and eat it, you now owe a debt to the restaurant, and they must accept legal tender as payment. But if you go into a restaurant that requires you to pay before you eat, they can dictate what form of payment they will accept and refuse legal tender.

Similarly, if you pump gas into your car and then pay, you are paying a debt and the gas station must accept any legal tender. But if the gas station requires prepayment, they can refuse legal tender. Some gas stations will not accept anything larger than a $20 bill, but they can only do that legally if they require prepayment. Once you have pumped the gas, they MUST by law accept any legal tender.
No, we haven't fallen!
Not sure where you got that from!
We have a fairly conservative Govt federally, though many State Govts are not.

What Ling31 said.
Every business I’ve been to in UK accept cash. There are signs in supermarkets saying they ‘prefer’ card because it reduces the risk of covid but you can still use cash.
Victoria is falling for absolutely certain! Have you all not seen what is being done to the citizens there? OMG! Not allowed to go further than 3 miles from your home! And the police are stopping and CHECKING. Look at these videos of the Marxist treatment happening.

Victoria took $1 TRILLION from China?!! The Chinese do NOT give to charities.
Well, I'm not waiting either. Texas may be safe but other places on the food chain may not be in November and December. My long term freeze dried food stuff is totally squared away... BUT I will be heading to the grocery store this week and pick up the first level (1 month worth of canned goods) food items, saving the LTS for a worse case scenario. Not gonna forget the toilet paper this time either!!!!

Loading some .308 right now. .... i find it therapeutic when current events tic me off
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@David SB At least here in Texas we can garden just about year around if we had to if you are not in the northern part, which is so different from the upper states without a greenhouse. I have decided not to do the fall garden this year since I have so much in storage already. I just hope I do not end up regretting that decision, but with me still working graveyards and the new calf added in to my schedule just dont feel like I have the energy to do it all.
Victoria is an interesting place atm. Socialist Premier who has made a deal with China as part of the Belt Road scheme. Unfortunately, our previous Govts have also made dodgy deals with China - selling prime cattle country, dairies, even leases on strategic ports,
Our current Govt is in the process of passing legislation that is quite agreeable to most - it has asked the Vic Govt to walk away from the deal with China ( Govt refused ) The Vic Govt deal is part of a $US1 trillion ($A1.44 trillion) of spending in 138 different countries to create a global trade route. (They didn't take 1 trillion dollars from China - I believe it's just over 1 billion). The new legislation will stop this from happening.

Also, the legislation allows the Govt to take back infrastructure & land deemed strategic and vital to our national interests & security. This is a good thing. Apparently, now that this legislation is before the parliament, China's shareholders are selling out on many projects around the Country. (Can't confirm at this stage).

As to Victoria, there is a lot being done there that makes us scratch our heads and wonder why. Parts of rural Vic have had ZERO cases of covid, but are still required to be in lock down.

As to the anti mask rioters, well, honestly, it's not that hard to obey the law, even if it is ridiculous - all they did was further destroy peoples livelihoods by protesting at the Markets. I have no sympathy for them. None!

I'm not sure of the reasoning behind the closures in Victoria, and is it a power grab? Possibly, but the premier is alone on this.

Unfortunately, both sides have their stories, and statistics, and damning evidence of the other side, much like with all politics worldwide. Some people are fixated with their beliefs on what is right/wrong, and won't look beyond their noses. And, unfortunately, untruths become truth, and don't one disagree with them!!

Not sure what the solution is - I'd open up if I was in charge, but I'm not.

Are the globalists taking over Australia? Not on this Govt's watch!