Taking the gamble that no one hits the nuclear button

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Feb 18, 2019
So here's a scenario. At the moment we have the threat of mutually assured destruction between East and West meaning that no one is willing to take a risk on all out conflict. What if an aggressor like Russia takes the gamble that no one is going to hit that button? At what point if Russian tanks started rolling into the West and were clearly not intent on stopping would the West consider the nuclear option? If you are at risk of invasion you have the chance to take out Russia but that comes with the knowledge that large parts of your country are going to left as a nuclear wasteland. If you are hell bent on aggression you could gamble that no one will hit that button.
So here's a scenario. At the moment we have the threat of mutually assured destruction between East and West meaning that no one is willing to take a risk on all out conflict. What if an aggressor like Russia takes the gamble that no one is going to hit that button? At what point if Russian tanks started rolling into the West and were clearly not intent on stopping would the West consider the nuclear option? If you are at risk of invasion you have the chance to take out Russia but that comes with the knowledge that large parts of your country are going to left as a nuclear wasteland. If you are hell bent on aggression you could gamble that no one will hit that button.

Not being ex military I am at a disadvantage to guess, but I would hope that the nuclear option would not be used. To nuke either Russia, China or NATO members would mean nukes flying worldwide. In the end, no one “wins”. My concern is that Putin won’t stop…knowing full well he has the great advantage. HE has the oil that Germany and the UK NEED. We used to supply oil for them, but then evil biden in his plan to collapse the USA’s economy stopped all the production he was able to stop. Putin understands the Globalists plans of collapsing all first world economies, killing billions and ruling the world.

He has his own plans. As does China.
the nuke option won't be used for Ukraine - their fate was sealed when Biden stole the election >>> Russia will consolidate their hold and move everything forward to the "NATO" border - I guess the next move will be against Romania waiting to become a full NATO member - another country that needs Mother Russia & Putin to come to their rescue ...

Only 3 countries in NATO are nuke powers - only the US is the position of answering a tactical nuke missile used by Russia for a demonstration of their resolve >>> Who thinks Biden will confront Putin? - Who thinks he'll answer the use of a Russian nuke to destroy a Romanian or Bulgarian city?
We've always assumed that nukes are there on our side to deter Russia using them but perhaps the big question is at what point would Nato hit the button first? What level of conventional military incursion would prompt it?
Here's a link with an interesting narrative with a little different take on what is being pushed on main stream media right now! Also highlighted a coupe interesting quotes!

Satellites Would Be Attacked First, Then These Radar Stations if WW3 Commences next week

For the four years of the Trump Administration, Ukraine remained quiet.

The November 2020 US election rolled around and the Democrats in the US stole the election through rampant and brazen election fraud.

Like magic, when Joe Biden got sworn in, the troubles in Ukraine started again with gusto. Ukraine began massing more and more troops and armor near Luhansk and Donetsk. So, in February of this year, Russia started massing troops along the Russian border with Ukraine. Russia was going to protect the Russian-speaking populations in Luhansk and Donetsk.

WHAM! Like magic, the western mass-media began talking up "Russian aggression." Russia, they claimed, was massing troops. They never bothered to mention it was in response to Ukraine massing troops. Russia, they claimed, was a "threat." They never mentioned what Ukraine was planning to do: take Luhansk and Donetsk by force to prevent them from leaving.

Things got dicey for awhile and then, Russia moved some (but not all) of their troops, from the Ukraine border area to elsewhere. Things quieted down.


It finally became publicly known that the US and EU, through NATO, wanted to place US Missile "Defenses" on the territory of Ukraine. This had been their plan all along . . . all the way back to the overthrow of Yanukovich.

They want to place US high speed missiles in Ukraine because at that location, those missiles will only have a flight time of about 5 minutes to Moscow and about 7 minutes to Russia's strategic nuclear missile silos. The flight time would mean Russia would be unable to defend itself in time; a threat the Russians take very seriously and have publicly stated they will not allow.

This is reminiscent of what Americans recall as "The Cuban Missile Crisis" in the early 1960's. At that time, US military spy planes got photos of then-Soviet Union Medium range, and Intermediate Range nuclear missiles being assembled at launch sites in Cuba. The military alerted then-President John F. Kennedy.

Kennedy asked his Generals how long it would take missiles launched from Cuba to reach Washington, DC. They replied "5 minutes." Then they added information that the other missiles, the longer range Intermediate" missiles, could reach almost all the other cities in the US within about 7-10 minutes, and if a First Strike was done, the US would lose about eighty percent of our population in the first strike.

President Kennedy decided right then and there that those missiles had to go. Either the Soviet Union had to take them out, or the US would invade Cuba and destroy those missiles.

It turned out that the Soviets put those missiles there BECAUSE . . . the US had placed Jupiter Missiles, that could hit the Soviet Union within about 5 minutes, in Turkey. So the Soviets, fearing they would be attacked in a first strike, responded by putting missiles of their own on Cuba, within 5 minutes strike time of the USA.

For thirteen days, the world teetered on the brink of actual nuclear war. Because once the Soviet Union found out that the US knew about the missiles in Cuba and would attack, the Soviets had a choice: Use them or lose them.

Thank God there were men of good will on both sides, and the missiles were removed by the Soviet Union. Word of this removal came via shortwave radio broadcast from Radio Moscow and was later confirmed via teletype between Russia and the USA. But for about eight hours, no one knew if the Soviets would use them. The world was literally eight hours away from all-out nuclear war.

Here we are fifty years later, and the US is doing the same thing to Russia. We want to place our missiles within five minutes strike time of Russia and President Vladimir Putin, just like former President John F. Kennedy, won't allow it. It simply cannot be.

No reasonable person can blame him. Because the nasty little secret about those US missile "defenses" that we want to put in Ukraine, is that the warheads can be swapped-out in less than an hour, changing them from defensive missiles with conventional warheads, to offensive missiles with nuclear warheads, and no one would know the warheads had been swapped-out.

The Russians could then be attacked, and decapitated of their capital city and their defensive nuclear missile silos, and be left defenseless all within ten minutes.

There is no way on God's earth, that Russia is going to sit back and let this happen. They can't. It's a matter of survival for them.
We've always assumed that nukes are there on our side to deter Russia using them but perhaps the big question is at what point would Nato hit the button first? What level of conventional military incursion would prompt it?

??? - NATO doesn't have a button - the US has a nuke pact with the UK - nothing with France >>> both are very limited on nuke weapons besides the limited ICBMs ....
both are very limited on nuke weapons besides the limited ICBMs ....

And both Russia and China know the limitations of the EU. They have been stupid not to take the necessary steps to protect their citizenry and lands. They’ve all been off in homosexual lalal land for years. Underestimated the threats in the world. We joined them recently and now are in danger too.
The one who presses the nuclear button first will not win, but his country will be hit by hundreds of nuclear missiles one minute later than the target country.
You can say that the country that presses the button first has its population 1 minute longer to live.
The politicians who press the button sit in their bunker anyway while we have to pay for it.
The one who presses the nuclear button first will not win, but his country will be hit by hundreds of nuclear missiles one minute later than the target country.
You can say that the country that presses the button first has its population 1 minute longer to live.
The politicians who press the button sit in their bunker anyway while we have to pay for it.

alllllll kinds of professional analyzes think the MAD principal went out the door 14 months ago >> most agree that a surprise & unexpected nuke blitz wouldn't be Biden answered - and - there's no policy to supersede a POTUS that decides to surrender the country

if the country was ravaged by both an internet & direct sabotage program for weeks - the ANTIFA/BLM riot program revived - communication, transportation, banking, media, utilities, law enforcement destroyed worse than at present >>> then 6-8-10 major US cities are simultaneously ground nuked ala "Jericho" - the US facing a dual ICBM launch from both China & Russia - 100s of short range nukes off shore >>>> Biden surrenders before DC gets nuked ....

if you never have watched the 1987 TV mini-series Amerika >>>>

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So here's a scenario. At the moment we have the threat of mutually assured destruction between East and West meaning that no one is willing to take a risk on all out conflict. What if an aggressor like Russia takes the gamble that no one is going to hit that button? At what point if Russian tanks started rolling into the West and were clearly not intent on stopping would the West consider the nuclear option? If you are at risk of invasion you have the chance to take out Russia but that comes with the knowledge that large parts of your country are going to left as a nuclear wasteland. If you are hell bent on aggression you could gamble that no one will hit that button.
If I were you, I would be more worried that the Russians would start storming the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant ... There are at least 4 active power units and if they explode, nuclear missiles will seem like a toy ...
If a nuke is detonated in your area. Stay inside for a month. Seal up your home, turn off your a/c, only use interior fans. Create a room with exterior access or a exterior vent and filter the air coming inside to collect radiated particles. Have iodine for everyone to take. Have enough food and water. The half-life is about 8 days, so after a month, it's under 10% of what it was after detonation.
If a nuke is detonated in your area. Stay inside for a month. Seal up your home, turn off your a/c, only use interior fans. Create a room with exterior access or a exterior vent and filter the air coming inside to collect radiated particles. Have iodine for everyone to take. Have enough food and water. The half-life is about 8 days, so after a month, it's under 10% of what it was after detonation.

"Adults over 40 years old do not need KI at all unless they are exposed to extremely high levels of radioactive iodine. "-- I am actively searching for what count constitutes "extremely high levels" of radioactive iodine...
..."That being said During a nuclear emergency, KI’s benefit far outweighs any potential risk."
If a nuke is detonated in your area. Stay inside for a month. Seal up your home, turn off your a/c, only use interior fans. Create a room with exterior access or a exterior vent and filter the air coming inside to collect radiated particles. Have iodine for everyone to take. Have enough food and water. The half-life is about 8 days, so after a month, it's under 10% of what it was after detonation.

This is actually useful, thank you.

Do you know if being "full" of iodine before being exposed to radiation makes you immune to that particular vector? Because it would hilarious if someone who eats lots and lots of (iodized) salt outlived everyone else.
This is actually useful, thank you.

Do you know if being "full" of iodine before being exposed to radiation makes you immune to that particular vector? Because it would hilarious if someone who eats lots and lots of (iodized) salt outlived everyone else.

That's just the very basics, much less than a readers digest version. It's potassium iodine either before or immediately after exposure for best results. You should research all the details, like washing away the radioactive fall-out. Getting as many inches of earth, wood, concrete, water, etc. Between you and the blast wave.
"Adults over 40 years old do not need KI at all unless they are exposed to extremely high levels of radioactive iodine. "-- I am actively searching for what count constitutes "extremely high levels" of radioactive iodine...
..."That being said During a nuclear emergency, KI’s benefit far outweighs any potential risk."

No level of nuclear radiation is safe. Even a tiny bit is bad. It just gets worse with more exposure or stronger radiation.
Like I wrote somewhere else, after Chernobyl back in 1986, Hungary STILL HAS A RADIOACTIVITY PROBLEM.
We are still told to not eat more than 20 lbs. of freely collected mushrooms each year and to keep your diet of wild boar meat down also as they DIG DEEP for most of their food...deer, cattle and goats eat surface food but pigs dig down for roots and such...
Everyone needs at minimum a radiation detector, individual paper ones for your pocket (to check total exposure levels), and potassium iodide tablets.

Short of a bunker a basement or a facility below ground reduces exposure by 90%. Less than 4 inches of soil or earth can reduce the penetration of dangerous gamma rays by half.

The biggest factor is Time because fallout loses its strength quickly. The more time that passes after the attack, the lower the danger.
protecting yourself and staying alive post-nuke strike(s) is a whole lot more complicated than the plastic over the windows & duct tape ....

suggest you make a bound hard copy and learn a few things about proper prepping - the very real possibility of needing the skills & knowledge never went away >>> never know when another storm damaged nuke reactor goes critical or a nuke is used to show Putin's resolve to conquer the world ....
Had a copy of that book. Need to find another one.

This book is very helpful and informative. It is uplifting too in many aspects.

Everyone needs at minimum a radiation detector, individual paper ones for your pocket (to check total exposure levels), and potassium iodide tablets.

Short of a bunker a basement or a facility below ground reduces exposure by 90%. Less than 4 inches of soil or earth can reduce the penetration of dangerous gamma rays by half.

The biggest factor is Time because fallout loses its strength quickly. The more time that passes after the attack, the lower the danger.
REMEMBER when dealing with radiation TDS ( Time, Distance an Shielding) are your best defenses!!! Helps to have some KI available too!!!
Grandpa Jo will probably be a similar war fanatic, I trust neither Putin nor Jo and don't know what is going on under the table, is there any more detailed information from the USA?

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