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We have only began to get to know our star in the last few generations. Mr. Sun has been around for billions of years. We know CME's have happened and will happen again. As of yet we have no way to predict when. We have no way to predict what direction it will be aimed. Best case the power grid is disrupted. Worst case OMEGA.
Luckily the sun is a big round ball. The earth travels around that ball at great speed along a single plane. The sun throws off CME’s all the time in random directions. Fortunately it’s not really common that they are directed specifically at our planet often. But it is only a matter of time. Could be next month or in a million years when we get the next one. I am certain of only one thing. The universe is a harsh environment with many things that can take out a whole solar system or even systems at any time. There is a large empty place on the edge of the Milky Way galaxy. Most likely it was created from a giant explosion from a supernova, black hole or something else we haven’t even dreamed of yet. But whatever it was wiped out hundreds of thousands stars and planets. My view is to just concern yourself with the things that you are capable of preparing for in life. Just let the rest go.