IS the societal collapse actually happining now but in slow motion?

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Good morning all, there are many truths in your comments. There are many wrongs in our history. The French slaughtered the people in their colonies in Morocco and Algeria. The Germans were in South Africa, Belgians in Rhodesia, the Spanish destroyed the South American continent for gold, the Portugese helped there, Japan has slaughtered many millions of the Chinese, the 33 million Russians who died under Stalin, 68 million under Maose Tung, Sikhs and Hindu in India, not to mention that the North American continent was populated by estimated 12 -15 million natives before the white Europeans moved in and shot them like dogs as the English did in Australia.
NOW we are all feeling the repercussions of 600 years of murder and calling the populations of those nations or their heirs, "terrorists". They are doing the same back which they have lived under for 19 generations...I justify them not. I only see that -- those who do not understand history, are damned to repeat it...
We the preppers (or those of us who survive when TEOTWAWKI) must see that all are equal, just, schooled, fed, and understand that each village needs a mayor, if he/she F+*#*S up, we know in which house he lives in. Bigger that the mayor, no one needs. The dick-tators and prick-sidents are the useless scum which started the world wars which led us to the point in which we now find ourselves and we have the honor to defend which we believe in and the chance to PREP for the same, God help and bless you all, my brothers and sisters in arms...Live free, GP
All through history the weak and meek have inherited the earth, 6 feet of it. There were no nations in the beginning, just wandering tribes and species. Some settled down and claimed land, others wandered. Sooner or later the stronger group decided the other group had something they wanted or needed. So it has always been and so it will always be. I do not feel bad for the so called natives of any land, as their fore fathers probably took the land from the people there before them. In the future the pattern will repeat it self. None of the nations governments are content to stay within their boundaries and live within their means. There will always be something they think they need or want and somebody else has it. Whether it be a resource or the need for more power, it will continue. After the SHTF, it will still continue, just on a more local level.
if Labour ever get into power in the UK under that Marxist Jeremy Corbyn they will collapse the economy for sure.
The global scene, the global politics, global warming, global players...the world is a ROUND ball of life. What goes aROUND comes aROUND. Plan earlier, plan better, plan more, plan good. PLAN YOUR WORK & WORK YOUR PLAN my friends...Live free. GP
First, I am speaking about the US. I really do not know how this is developing in other countries. This whole invasion is being "bank rolled" by someone or some group. All of the invaders are being coordinated and the invasion is being sponsored! Who is coordinating the invasions. There seems to be coordinated starting points and it appears the invasion force is being supplied food and other resources to make the trip. Based upon what I hear from other counties, this appears to be a world-wide effort. In the US, it sure appears that somehow the Democrats are in on it. How else can we explain most of the democrat candidates being for "open borders" to allow the invasion force in with no objection. I feel sure that some of the candidates support this out is "ignorance" but not all of them are that stupid. Somewhere, WAY above my head, there appears to be a "grand plan" being worked on a global scale and it mostly involves eliminating the Western Sociality.
Be careful brother, if you say the wrong thing, this website could be considered to be something it IS NOT!! If anyone is trying to destroy the Western Sociality, then they will feel the full force of the freedom loving persons of this world and those are in this website...There are the ignorant, who live from day to day without knowing that which they do. There are the ignorant which live day to day, doing that which they have been preached and taught. AND there are the ignorant which live day to day doing that which they pre-meditated planned. Each of these are dangerous to freedom, and each of them can kill freedom. Just be careful in your speech which one of these three groups you warn that you have recognised them or warn them that you have another answer for the world as they...Live free, GP