Is Europe on the verge of total collapse?

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Absolutly. The european economy is already in troubles before even autumn startet. The prices for energy are raising daily and everything else too. I'm waiting for demonstrations this winter season when people aren't able anymore to pay food or energy for heating. The politicans have no real idea how to handle or solve the problems they are created by themselves. In Germany the (big) first firms are almost in serious troubles because they can't handle the costs for the gas and energy anymore. And the cold season isn't even started....
For possible protests they almost found the guilty ones: Extremly rights, neo-nazis, reichsbürger, Putin-lovers.

If the EU is falling - I'll open an good bottle i keep for this moment. (not every state in Europe is in the EU btw.)
Putin has already shut off the gas pipeline (Nord Stream 1) to Europe, probably because of the sanctions, this will now stay shut off for the duration, this will cause a lot of hardship as Europe until now has been reliant on Russian oil and gas, Germany has shut down all its nuclear plants and it will take until next year to restart them all again, in the meantime many people will be very cold in Europe this winter.
Europe is on the verge of collapse, and complete collapse at that, arguably worse than on the video.
The president of the EU who speaks in the video minute 11.10 is the main responsible, an incompetent idiotic cucumber of woman who came to power only through felt and with the help of the WEF, followed by the governments of various European countries which Ukraine is more important than their own countries that you represent.

Every European country has too little electricity and whines, while the Germans insist on shutting down their last 3 modern and safe nuclear power plants at the end of the year for green ideological reasons, although they already have too little energy.
One imagines that one has too little energy and a part of the economy is already dying, instead of building new power plants, one shuts down more nuclear power plants and reactivates a few 30 year old coal-fired power plants where one no longer knows whether they work.
This is Germany live, the politicians there as well as here are incapable on the whole length.
Comes to the EU especially on "request" Eastern Europe coal and oil products from Russia have banned from import, now the Poles are kilometers in a traffic jam to get coals that you have something to heat, it's not even dumber.

I do not know whether one understands the situation here in the USA on the basis of television reports, the above program was good, but you can not imagine what is going on here and will happen in the winter.
My fuel storage is full, probably far beyond the legal limit, everything here is currently bought empty as far as canisters, gas cylinders and generators are concerned, you can't get any more of this stuff in stores.

In short, Europe is destroying itself with the Russian sanctions and is also proud of the fact that many people here freeze to death in winter and lose their jobs forever, while the Russians are doing better than ever before.
BUT the main thing is that Ukraine is doing well because you are fighting for our "freedom". 🤮
Yes we die probably soon either in cold or in the coming uprisings for a corrupt regime in the East that burns his people in a senseless war and the whole world in a third world war and in the misery with pull wants.
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Here are two more links to what is already a fact here, the steel industry and chemical industry in Europe is closing down, which will have very nasty consequences. What politicians do not understand, which company can still produce when the energy prices for certain forms of energy rise 300%.
If the steel and chemical companies go bankrupt, all other companies, including the health care system, will go bankrupt, even in the USA.
Here are two more links to what is already a fact here, the steel industry and chemical industry in Europe is closing down, which will have very nasty consequences. What politicians do not understand, which company can still produce when the energy prices for certain forms of energy rise 300%.
If the steel and chemical companies go bankrupt, all other companies, including the health care system, will go bankrupt, even in the USA.

Everyone please understand. THIS IS A PLAN BEING CARRIED OUT TO REDUCE THE POPULATIONS!!! These politicians know exactly what is happening. They are following the orders by WEFers!! In case you don’t realize it yet or have read it, the WEFers are targeting White Populations…because they think we are the hardest to control. Not sure if that is true, but it is their opinion.
UK energy prices for households has just today been capped at £2,500 per year, this price is frozen for 2 years, commercial energy rises have been capped for 6 months, announced today by our new Prime Minister Liz Truss within 48 hours of being elected.
UK energy prices for households has just today been capped at £2,500 per year, this price is frozen for 2 years, commercial energy rises have been capped for 6 months, announced today by our new Prime Minister Liz Truss within 48 hours of being elected.
Good thing, but how long can your state pay for this and what will the companies get out of it?
I don't trust Liz Truss much, but that remains to be seen, the state always has the possibility to get the money elsewhere, once the big companies are bankrupt the former employees of these companies can no longer pay limited energy costs.
If Russia wins the conflict (which will most certainly be the case), our politicians will be standing there with their pants cut off, and instead of bowing to the sheikh, they can bow to Putin, who will give them gas and oil again, and the question will be whether Russia will still meet them halfway, but I don't think so.

There was now the letzen months of our politicians too much to the ground and that will have consequences. I think if the European elite and Grandpa Joe sees that Russia gains the upper hand in Ukraine you will send NATO in the direction of Russia and then we have a problem, well we already have. Europe and USA will not let Russia win, they don't care about us as a people, and they are about to sacrifice us, this is a fact that the German Foreign Minister has already said publicly.

UK energy prices for households has just today been capped at £2,500 per year, this price is frozen for 2 years, commercial energy rises have been capped for 6 months, announced today by our new Prime Minister Liz Truss within 48 hours of being elected.

You've a.ready started down the path of so many communist failed regimes. The first step is always to take over sectors of the economy and cap the prices. This has failed and caused the decent into total collapse of a country…starvation and death every single time it has been done. Argentina and Venezuela come to mind. Those in charge are doing fine. All others are digging into their trash leftovers.
Putin ISNT going to win, he has already lost 50,000 troops probably more if you count POW's and the ones who went AWOL, the tide is turning and he knows it.

Putin has China behind him with millions to throw at this conflict. The EU doesn’t have enough fuel to even keep manufacturing fighting equipment. Sorry to be a downer…
UK energy prices for households has just today been capped at £2,500 per year, this price is frozen for 2 years, commercial energy rises have been capped for 6 months, announced today by our new Prime Minister Liz Truss within 48 hours of being elected.
Because energy price caps worked so well in the past :rolleyes:
//sarcasm off
Putin has China behind him with millions to throw at this conflict. The EU doesn’t have enough fuel to even keep manufacturing fighting equipment. Sorry to be a downer…
I don't think there is a winner. Xi's political future is toast, partly because he backed Putin. China has institutional problems they can't overcome. Russia has come out OK for now economically, but at what cost politically?
On the other hand, although England is no longer in the EU, it remains part of the big family, so much for independence from the EU moloch.
If the EU falls, England will fall too, Truss will be good friends with the incompetent idiot Von der Leyen, which is why I don't trust her to want the best for England. She gives you a little treat now, but in the end the people have the dagger in their back.
Putin ISNT going to win, he has already lost 50,000 troops probably more if you count POW's and the ones who went AWOL, the tide is turning and he knows it.

Our media say every day that Putin has lost so much, but you can not prove it.
MSN media are only actors paid by the government to dumb down the people, everyone who can still think sees long behind that the thing in the East does not run as our media say that.
Our media also say every day that Russia is shelling a nuclear power plant with artillery that is occupied by Russian soldiers, which army is so stupid and shelling 6 weeks country a target where their own soldiers are???
I don't believe MSM media anymore.
Putin has China behind him with millions to throw at this conflict. The EU doesn’t have enough fuel to even keep manufacturing fighting equipment. Sorry to be a downer…
reports say China is pissed off with the way Russia has mismanaged the invasion.
Russia is not this big military power it would have us believe it is, its still using old WW2 tactics and calling up young teenagers, old men and people in mental health units.
I wouldnt be surprised to wake up one morning to hear Putin has "disappeared" thats what the Kremlin does with failures.
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reports say China is pissed off with the way Russia has mismanaged the invasion.
Well, everyone makes mistakes, but China now sees that Russia is better off financially and otherwise than before and that Russia has the EU in its hands and not vice versa. China is waiting for Grandpa Joe to make a mistake and is clawing at Taiwan, should Turkey attack Greece as Turkey has threatened, Grandpa Joe will jump into the next basement with his dementia and what is now will be a joke against it.
At the end it absolutly dosn't matter who "wins" in a few months.
Worldwide the economy is down, in China, Europe and USA.

At the end the folks had something to bite and and bones to chew, those snacks to calm the people and distract them from the real problems have now the name Russia, China, and everyone else who dosn't follow the NWO, the western propaganda, the WEF or this senile old man in this big white house in the USA.

At the end only free thinking and free informed people will realize the globalism tree grow to fast, to high and without stable roots really. But if you can bring the people to hate other countries for the same **** the own country does (remembering the nations who invade Iraq, Afgahistan, some African states?) then they forget very fast the economy problems and the following financial crash is seriously homemade by the own greedy government and global players.

At the end the most will believe the 24/7 propaganda - even they are far away as possible from civilisation.
At the end nobody will or can remember anymore.
At the end we all are the loosers in this game.
If you all want to think about the 24th of September....REMEMBER the 3rd of November is just a week away...Even Bidump and dill jill have gone to Delaware to "VOTE"...or just slip into their weekend party house (normally called a BUNKER) and wait for the SHTF date to roll around....keep prepping and God bless.

(when you see the water running thru the streets, you know God is sending his Holy Spirit to strengthen those who believe in HIM and await HIS return...AND HIS GREAT RESET AND NEW WORLD ORDER!!!)
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1st they came and gave power to the EU which continuisly damages the european national states.
2nd 2015 the start of massive illegal immigration (mostly into our social systems) started and has not ended yet. Money was printed to fullfill the arising bills. Big frauds were founded and still go on and the crimerates exploded.
3rd The big C came (and stayed) and the government plantet fear in the heads of their people and made the most of them sick. Again big governmental frauds were implemented.
4th came the Lockdowns and other rules that started to decrease freedom and businesses and still do.
5th The lockdown, international politics and accidents fucked the global supply chains, slowed them down or closed routes.
7th there came sanctions agains the russiand föderation, that hurt much more than reaches their aims.
8th The war in Ukraine brings even more fear to the people and new "untermenschen" were created and msm propagate new wanted hate.
9th More sanctions against the russian föderation unsettled markets, companies and inflation started to run.
10th Due to the governmental stupidities, economic losses and troubles to produce products or energy inflation brakes through.
11th We weaken our police and military forces by sending weapons and gear to Ukraine, knowing that there is no replacement.
12th The EU green deal decreases agricultural businesses, decreases engeryproduction and made it more difficult to produce; which let the prices explode.

Unbelievably no government over here want´s to stop that. Ideologic politics are worth more than reality. Especially in Germany, which is the biggest payer of the EU-finances.

Unsurprisingly a new Rand-coorperation sheet shows up, that exatcly describes that way to weaken russia and wipe out european strength.

In my eye´s we are done, and I do all I can to withstand to coming clash.
They're getting the government they wanted.
You're right Dude. But sometimes I'm not sure if the elections are already counted out before the people voted....

It looks like an game over in Europe. It looks to me like the point of no return is almost visiable in the rear window. Maybe, just maybe the whole process is stoppable if the politicans very fast start to change the direction. But they won't do it because they are infallible. Peace and the whole people are sacrificed before a mistake is admitted.

Sometimes i remember an spell of my grandma: Better an end with horror than horror without an end. Fact is: The world of our lifes we had before, as good or bad it was, is gone. The firedragon is on his way to clean up, we just can see what's left after.
1st they came and gave power to the EU which continuisly damages the european national states.
2nd 2015 the start of massive illegal immigration (mostly into our social systems) started and has not ended yet. Money was printed to fullfill the arising bills. Big frauds were founded and still go on and the crimerates exploded.
3rd The big C came (and stayed) and the government plantet fear in the heads of their people and made the most of them sick. Again big governmental frauds were implemented.
4th came the Lockdowns and other rules that started to decrease freedom and businesses and still do.
5th The lockdown, international politics and accidents 性交ed the global supply chains, slowed them down or closed routes.
7th there came sanctions agains the russiand föderation, that hurt much more than reaches their aims.
8th The war in Ukraine brings even more fear to the people and new "untermenschen" were created and msm propagate new wanted hate.
9th More sanctions against the russian föderation unsettled markets, companies and inflation started to run.
10th Due to the governmental stupidities, economic losses and troubles to produce products or energy inflation brakes through.
11th We weaken our police and military forces by sending weapons and gear to Ukraine, knowing that there is no replacement.
12th The EU green deal decreases agricultural businesses, decreases engeryproduction and made it more difficult to produce; which let the prices explode.

Unbelievably no government over here want´s to stop that. Ideologic politics are worth more than reality. Especially in Germany, which is the biggest payer of the EU-finances.

Unsurprisingly a new Rand-coorperation sheet shows up, that exatcly describes that way to weaken russia and wipe out european strength.

In my eye´s we are done, and I do all I can to withstand to coming clash.

The people controlling these governments have said many times that there's to many people on the planet. They don't need most of us. Do you think all that has happened is a coincidence?
The people controlling these governments have said many times that there's to many people on the planet. They don't need most of us. Do you think all that has happened is a coincidence?

The problem is that people do not want to believe any of it. The phrase "opiate for the masses" is apt here. As long as people can get out of bed, make themselves coffee, breakfast, flip on a light, take a shower, go fuel up their car and go to the store to buy the things they long as their kids can have their soccer games where they get a participation trophy to feel "special" and their smart phones, everything is good. Everything is fine. They think they are special and believe the term "useless eaters" would only apply to someone else, certainly not them.

I go back to this quote from George Benard Shaw, famous author and Fabian Socialist:

“If you can’t justify your existence, if you’re not pulling your weight in the social boat, if you’re not producing as much as you consume or perhaps a little more, then, clearly, we cannot use the organizations of our society for the purpose of keeping you alive, because your life does not benefit us and it can’t be of very much use to yourself.”

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="YouTube" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This is EXACTLY the message that is being sent out in spades right now. Conform to the ideals that we put forth or you are nothing to us. Eat less meat, drive less, don't use so many resources. Vote for us or you are a drag on the planet.

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