How to Profit From the Collapse

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Rhian L'Arson

Awesome Friend
Sep 10, 2022
Warren Buffett famously said that if he had been around in 1905 when cars were just coming out he wouldn't have invested in carmakers but instead go short on horses. There were thousands of carmakers and most went broke, so you had to be very lucky to pick a GM, Ford or Chrysler, but you could easily predict people wouldn't travel on horses anymore. The thing you should have done was short horses. Sometimes it’s easier to figure out the losers.

One way to make money on stocks when the price is falling is short selling. Short selling is borrowing a stock whose price you think is going to fall, selling it then buying it back later, for a lower price than you initially sold it for. You profit on the difference after paying back the loan. When you short a stock, you're betting on its decline.

If you feel confident predicting the collapse of society, you can profit by betting against the losers.

Economist Joseph Schumpeter was confident market-based capitalist society would collapse and be replaced by socialism.

Schumpeter was persuaded that capitalism was doomed because he saw the growing number of people with higher education was creating a class of intellectuals with a negative outlook on capitalism. Those intellectuals are now in control of the schools, the mass media, and corporate America and are forcing their mentality on everyone else.

Socialist and progressive intellectuals have been accusing capitalism of destroying the planet and perpetuating systemic racism and oppression of people of color for decades. They will increasingly elect democratic socialists and vote for restrictions on business that will ultimately destroy the capitalist system.

The United States will become much more diverse in coming years. The rise of Hispanics, blacks, Asians, and others will favor Democrats since Republican success is tied to a shrinking portion of whites without college educations.
The voter population is also becoming more educated. With older voters dying off and the younger voters replacing them tending to be democrats, the chances of republicans winning elections get smaller and smaller.

The smart thing to do is to adapt now, rather than later. When it’s easier to figure out the losers, you can profit by betting against them.

The best way to bet against the losers is by using prediction markets. Prediction markets let people bet money on political and financial events.

The University of Iowa's Iowa Electronic Markets predicts results of political elections with greater accuracy than traditional polls. IEM is not regulated and speculators can bet between $5 and $500. Other markets allow bigger bets.

PredictIt is a website for betting on political and financial events where traders bet on questions about the Biden Administration, U.S. Elections, Congress, State/Local elections, and questions like which political party will win elections, which candidate will win, and even what the results of future polls will be.

If you're confident in the coming collapse, consider the wisdom of The Sage of Omaha’s advice on shorting horses. Sometimes it’s easier to pick the losers.
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Pro tip: When betting on elections, it helps to know the election is rigged.
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Except this is nothing more than a self-fulfilling prophecy - the people who "fear" the collapse are actually bringing it on via short selling...and doing it intentionally.

Also, the self proclaimed intellectuals are far from intellectual. the original intent of public education was to make people just smart enough to be dedicated servants to the system.

These people are also intentionally corrupting and sabotaging the system from within (what they negatively call capitalism is anything but).

And as far as I am concerned, both groups should be tried and executed for terrorism
But they're winning.
America is a communist country.
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
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Yes, it would appear it has become such...They are seemingly winning now...but HELL NO! We'll beat 'em! NOT join 'em! 🖕

I'm just saying the smart money isn't on capitalism when the only thing propping it up is a dwindling population of uneducated white voters whose average life expectancy keeps getting lower due to drug overdoses and suicide.
The bird finger was for the commie leftist trying to take over our country....i.e. Biden and co. And the so called legit college and especially many Harvard educated and the like moron socialists who don't have a clue how to run anything...

Define uneducated?

I would respectfully assert it's not all "uneducated" aging white folks dying from drug ODs and suicide propping up capitalism...some might deem that racist comment..
I can't see a generation raised on gangsta rap and Keeping Up With the Kardashians carrying on the good fight against the red menace after this generation expires.
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The author says "Civilian populations have been disarmed the world over wherever socialism has been implemented".

Maybe he thinks the American people are just a bunch of pussycats who will roll over and let their guns be taken away. Never in a million years will we let that happen.

Anyone who thinks Americans' guns can or will be taken away is suffering from paranoid delusions.

There are many things in this world to worry about, but Americans being disarmed by socialists isn't one of them.
The author says "Civilian populations have been disarmed the world over wherever socialism has been implemented".

Maybe he thinks the American people are just a bunch of pussycats who will roll over and let their guns be taken away. Never in a million years will we let that happen.

Anyone who thinks Americans' guns can or will be taken away is suffering from paranoid delusions.

There are many things in this world to worry about, but Americans being disarmed by socialists isn't one
Maybe he thinks the American people are just a bunch of pussycats who will roll over and let their guns be taken away. Never in a million years will we let that happen.

I'll go along with that philosophy:
"Never in a million years will we let that happen"
I'll go along with that philosophy:
"Never in a million years will we let that happen"

Americans own 100 times as many firearms as the U.S. military and 400 times as many as law enforcement.

An armed citizenry is the people's best defense against government tyranny and oppression.

Americans are neither stupid nor weak enough to allow the government to confiscate their firearms.

Therefore, Americans are in no danger of tyranny and oppression from a socialist government.
Well then I guess that must mean an armed citizenry isn't a very good defense and Americans are weak and helpless against tyranny.
Oppression happens in other ways. Take inflation for instance.

The current spike in inflation is due to rising prices from monopoly and lack of competition. Government breaking up or nationalizing the monopolies would help reduce inflation. The ultimate goal of a socialist economy is to abolish the wage and price system altogether.
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Oppression happens in other ways. Take inflation for instance.

Inflation means rising prices throughout the economy. When there is a lot of competition between businesses in the economy, prices are kept low as businesses try to steal customers away from each other by having the lowest price.

But when there are very few companies in a certain business they don’t have to compete as much and can even raise prices. That's mostly why we are seeing high prices lately.

Supply problems and covid have something to do with it but it is mainly noncompeting businesses that dominate the market raising prices. Especially oil because almost every other product depends on oil in some way.

The best thing to do to fight inflation would be for the government to take over one or more oil companies. That is what Germany did last week with a gas company called Gazprom.
Hold onto your britches there grasshopper. The fat lady hasn't sung yet.

Oh, is the cavalry coming to save the day? What were they waiting for?

A horde of QAnon LARPers rioting on the Capitol doesn't inspire much hope.