Home Made water Filter

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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
Here is a short video on making a quick water filter that I found on You Tube. While there are fairly inexpensive filters out there, I thought it might appeal to some who want prepare in the event that such filters are no longer available or if they have one and it is either lost, stolen, or broken.

****IF you decide to use this you do so at your own risk. Doomsday Prepper Forums.com is merely showing this video as a alternative, and will not be held responsible if you you try it and get some sort of waterborne illness.
thats a great idea really! im a long time plumber by trade so that hits home a little. another way to do it is have: a bottle w/cap, a 1in wide x maybe 12in long fabric (like a ripped shirt, sock etc) wet the fabric with clean water preferably, and put half of it in your 'dirty' water and put the cap on loosly and the water will siphon off into your clean container, filtering your water. this concept is a bit slower than the video version but works in a pinch, also, like the video, this does not kill any micro organisams, you still need bleach, iodine etc.
thats a great idea really! im a long time plumber by trade so that hits home a little. another way to do it is have: a bottle w/cap, a 1in wide x maybe 12in long fabric (like a ripped shirt, sock etc) wet the fabric with clean water preferably, and put half of it in your 'dirty' water and put the cap on loosly and the water will siphon off into your clean container, filtering your water. this concept is a bit slower than the video version but works in a pinch, also, like the video, this does not kill any micro organisams, you still need bleach, iodine etc.
Thanks for the alternative method. I was always told you could just boil water to make it potable. I guess I do need to invest in some iodine.
boiling water does work, however, in some places, i believe anyway, there are certain organisms that can live through it (ill have to study that more) but 3 drops of bleach per/quart or like 15 of iodine per quart, but you can pick up some iodine pads (like medical alcohol pads but iodine) and drop 1 of those in a quart of water for half n hour, agood point to have in a bug bag or survival situation are idems that serve dual purposes, so iodine pads may be the way to go for water/medical use. i personally will pack both bleach and iodine.
dude i wouldnt drink just boiled water if you payed me, check out this site health.ninemsn.comau/.../does-boiling-water-make-it-safe-to-drink crazy stuff right there!
dude i wouldnt drink just boiled water if you payed me, check out this site health.ninemsn.comau/.../does-boiling-water-make-it-safe-to-drink crazy stuff right there!
Yeah, god knows what flesh eating parasite i might pick up! The city water is barely fit for consumption!
that site claims by way of proffesers that by boiling the water, a blue algea that before boiling is not that hazordious but after becomes more toxic to humans than almost any warfare chemical known to man, and is actually on the chemical warfare list, craaaaaazy!
that site claims by way of proffesers that by boiling the water, a blue algea that before boiling is not that hazordious but after becomes more toxic to humans than almost any warfare chemical known to man, and is actually on the chemical warfare list, craaaaaazy!
Well isn't that just peachy! Nice to know that boiling water is a great way to jack myself up!
I got some inside info from one of my daughters to purify water. Put 8 drops of household bleach in a quart of water.Shake it and let it sit for 1/2 hour at least. Maybe now the bleach has to be added to the SHTF list of needed items.
I got some inside info from one of my daughters to purify water. Put 8 drops of household bleach in a quart of water.Shake it and let it sit for 1/2 hour at least. Maybe now the bleach has to be added to the SHTF list of needed items.
Thanks for the info!
The list of items needed is growing to say the least!
theres alot of websites that state 3 drops of bleach to a quart of water, but ive never tryed either, you can also use iodine pads (like alcohol wipes but iodine) put 1 pad in a quart and wait a half n hour.
theres alot of websites that state 3 drops of bleach to a quart of water, but ive never tryed either, you can also use iodine pads (like alcohol wipes but iodine) put 1 pad in a quart and wait a half n hour.
I just get nervous about the whole bleach thing. I know the municipal water is treated with that and probably worse. I just don't want to jack myself, or worse my son, up.
you could always test it out. i know ive accedently swallowed a whole gulp of bleach and it didnt do much but taste real bad and make me a lil' sick to my stomach, but as far as actually cleaning the water on the other hand is the problem. and how the hell would you research if it works or not? iodine too for that matter?
i will admit i did see the bleach thing on duel survival tv show though.
you could always test it out. i know ive accedently swallowed a whole gulp of bleach and it didnt do much but taste real bad and make me a lil' sick to my stomach, but as far as actually cleaning the water on the other hand is the problem. and how the hell would you research if it works or not? iodine too for that matter?
i will admit i did see the bleach thing on duel survival tv show though.
I have heard of both the bleach and iodine tricks. I will have to see if i can dig deeper to further verify it.
ill do a little internet research and see what i can find
ya but it also says to boil water, which ive shown a link that disproves that.
ya but it also says to boil water, which ive shown a link that disproves that.
i heard some time back that you should boil it three times. I guess it would depend on how nasty the water is and ones own level of paranoia.
after seeing what happens to microscopic algae pores when boiled, im a little parinoied, ya you can say that lol
after seeing what happens to microscopic algae pores when boiled, im a little parinoied, ya you can say that lol
I have not yet seen that. doesn't sound good.
I think i posted it somewhere on here about a guy taking river water to a scientist, and they discovered that yes there were microbs that could have been filtered, and a blue algae.
when it was boiled (no filtration) the spores of the blue algae opens when boiled, and becomes one of the most toxic things known to man.
it rates #2 on the world chemical warfare list.
yaaaaa lol, filter your water then maybe boil it,
before its boiled though the algae spores are nontoxic.
I think i posted it somewhere on here about a guy taking river water to a scientist, and they discovered that yes there were microbs that could have been filtered, and a blue algae.
when it was boiled (no filtration) the spores of the blue algae opens when boiled, and becomes one of the most toxic things known to man.
it rates #2 on the world chemical warfare list.
yaaaaa lol, filter your water then maybe boil it,
before its boiled though the algae spores are nontoxic.
That is a charming thought. I plan on getting one of those super filter things I have seen at places like REI.
I do need to continue my studies on filtering of water.
most filters are just charcol on the inside, ive cut open a few of them, to find just a rounded out piece of charcol that the water filters through.
ive also heard that microbs cannot survive on copper, so maybe if i have a cup made entirely of copper?
most filters are just charcol on the inside, ive cut open a few of them, to find just a rounded out piece of charcol that the water filters through.
ive also heard that microbs cannot survive on copper, so maybe if i have a cup made entirely of copper?
I did not know that about copper. I know charcoal is the major part to any water filter.
ya, i know direct contact with copper for a period kills microbs, but im not sure how it works. in my opinion id stck to charcol.
ya, i know direct contact with copper for a period kills microbs, but im not sure how it works. in my opinion id stck to charcol.
I do know the effectiveness of charcoal so I too would stick with what I know works.
i fully agree with you there, well untill i can find the effectiveness of copper to be better.
i fully agree with you there, well untill i can find the effectiveness of copper to be better.
or I could become friends with a water purification specialist from the military
lmao, well ya i guess that would work too.

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