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New Friend
Aug 20, 2013
My name is Deb I have been watching a lot of the shows and I would like to find out what is the best equipment for sealing and vacuuming food as well as dehydrators. I already know how to can food as a "southern gal", I would like to learn more about getting volume as well as keeping quality. Looking for directions on which way to start. There is a lot of information out there and it can quite over load your brain.
Thanks for letting me join,

My name is Deb I have been watching a lot of the shows and I would like to find out what is the best equipment for sealing and vacuuming food as well as dehydrators. I already know how to can food as a "southern gal", I would like to learn more about getting volume as well as keeping quality. Looking for directions on which way to start. There is a lot of information out there and it can quite over load your brain.
Thanks for letting me join,


Welcome Deb!
You know I have a food dehydrator, got it for a wedding gift....24 years ago, think I have used it twice! You are going to laugh but here is how I dehydrate food. My husband built me several fabulous racks, approx. 14" x 24" the bottoms are screen, like from a window screen, the sides are 2" pine. Anyway, I put my apple slices, chopped onions, etc. Whatever it is that I want to dehydrate and then, we have this old black car that was abandoned on our ranch here, when we bought it. I ripped out the interior seats, etc. and made racks in it that will hold up to 8 trays at a time. I close the door, that old black car gets so hot every day, year round, plus the fact that we have no humidity here in Colorado so.... it dehydrates perfectly! Thats my redneck dehydrator!

My name is Deb I have been watching a lot of the shows and I would like to find out what is the best equipment for sealing and vacuuming food as well as dehydrators. I already know how to can food as a "southern gal", I would like to learn more about getting volume as well as keeping quality. Looking for directions on which way to start. There is a lot of information out there and it can quite over load your brain.
Thanks for letting me join,

Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com. Your presence here is much appreciated. We look forward to your posts, and hope you enjoy the community!

Please feel free to ask (post) and questions you may have in the proper area, as the members on here are extremely knowledgeable and more than willing to help!

Thank you again for taking the time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com!
Welcome Deb.

On the vacuum sealers, depends on what is important to you. If shorter term storage, and cost are a factor, then the Seal-a-Meal VS107 Food Sealer is the way to go (at only around $50 plus, it consistently gets better reviews than even more pricey models). Main complaint is that it takes a lot of time to do each bag, but then it performs like those costing about $100 more. If you want more long-term storage, and don't mind spending for it, the Weston Pro-2300 Vacuum Sealer is the way to go (but at around $400). It has stellar reviews always, and earned top dog with nearly every consumer group.

I'm not the one to ask on dehydrators though, haven't used those yet, but plan to. I favor one where I can let the sun do the work.
Hello! Sorry I cant contribute much as ive never actually canned before, or dried stuff for that matter. Have you ever listened to prepper podcasts on iTunes? Loads of info right there.
Yu sur ben welcome heer. I was ben glad to saw U was ben frum La too. We was need mor of us La. preppers. Wat part of La. U was ben frum? I was ben frum sout of Lafayette. All bullsh!t aside, welcome to the site. There are members here from all walks of life and we are all willing to help in any way we can. There are quite a few of us from La. on this site. Whatever you need help on just ask. I just got back from a week and a half in the swamps of Grand Chenier. Being a coonass, I know I won't starve there. Planning to spend a week on the bayou. The bayou is only about 1/2 mi. from my BOL.
As for dehydrating food, you can find some good dehydraters at garage sales. I bought two and they work perfect. One was $5.00 and the other was $10.00. I also found a Food Saver Vacuum Sealer at the Jockey Lot in Lafayette for $15.00. I don't know how far you are from Lafayette but you can get some good stuff there. I seal my stuff in the Food Saver first then put it in a Mylar bag and seal it in there. I don't take chances with my food storage.

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