Global Warming Update

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It is no longer "Global Warming", it is now "Climate Change", which is true and not something that can be denied. The climate has been changing since the earth was first formed and will continue to change until it no longer exist. Nothing can change that (no matter how much money you give to Al Gore). As with most things that the left does, they present 1/2 truths, just enough to rally the 1/2 brained snowflake who doesn't have enough sense to think for themselves.
its funny that every other country in the world, apart from the 2 or 3 worst culprits , want to do something about climate change before it is too late to do anything and the climate is changed so much human life on this planet is impossible.
we are the first human to realise we are changing earth's climate and the last ones that can do anything about it, doing nothing is not an option.
its funny that every other country in the world, apart from the 2 or 3 worst culprits , want to do something about climate change before it is too late to do anything and the climate is changed so much human life on this planet is impossible.
we are the first human to realise we are changing earth's climate and the last ones that can do anything about it, doing nothing is not an option.
Tell China.
its funny that every other country in the world, apart from the 2 or 3 worst culprits , want to do something about climate change before it is too late to do anything and the climate is changed so much human life on this planet is impossible.
we are the first human to realise we are changing earth's climate and the last ones that can do anything about it, doing nothing is not an option.
Nobody is arguing "climate change" BP. As even I'm sure you know, climate has been changing since the beginning of time. And most of us know that giving up our standard of living and spending trillions on some hippy wet dream isn't going to change anything.
Those that want to "do" something can go live in a cave and eat grass.
Borrowing this graphic from the Utah Geological Survey website here.

Climate change is very real, no doubting that. However, there is much doubt as to whether we are causing it.

Lets take a look at the inter-glacial periods (that's what we live in now). Look real close. Notice how the past measured inter-glacial periods have had a similar average global temp? More importantly, note how stable this particular inter-glacial period is compared to the variation in past inter-glacial periods? How much did we go up in temp? A whole degree and a half? I hate to say it, but this planet has been melting and reforming glaciers long before we came around. Further, there is plenty of evidence that CO2 levels have been 10x what they are today with the same average temp as we have today, as well as during ice ages. Don't believe me, run some Paleozoic ice through a spectrum analyzer! When you see a graph like the one below dating way further back than the industrial age illustrating the earths ability to change its temperature on a whim, how can you say that one friggin' degree is a sign TWAWKI is changing? Yes, all the ice is melting at an alarming rate. This is a repeating planetary cycle and it is only alarming to us because it is the first time we are witnessing it happen. Now, who would like to propose a serious plan to tame mother nature and steer this graph into the future? Pretending and convincing others we can do this has been the rationale of endless legislation and spending, and who has benefited from it so far? Not the planet!
If you have any doubt as to if there is REAL problems man can solve, watch the actions of the ones yelling we have to do something now.

They pollute the skies on a regular basis with their private jets.

The ice is supposed to swallow up so much land...yet they are still buying islands and living on them!

Those who don’t own island have their homes on the beach!

The earth has been MUCH hotter...with MUCH higher CO2!

Earth has the largest forests, jungles and animals during that period.

The earth has been MUCH colder too.

If they want to do something that is REAL, let them start cleaning up our WATER and OCEANS!!! noises.
I don't think the problem is that the earth is getting hotter, as you say GP, it's been hotter before. The problem is mammals, they can only exist in a limited range of wet bulb temps, and that goes for a lot of our staple foods too. It's not even that hot yet but thousands of extra deaths are recorded during heat waves, in India, in the middle east. When it goes up another 2~5 degrees the forests will be singing but we will be dropping like flies unless we can move to cooler climes. Which of course we all can't.
UK only produces about 1% of the carbon release but the main culprit is China and they will never change so I'm afraid we are all doomed, better prepare for when the global temperatures get much hotter than they are now, the polar caps will melt and anywhere low lying will be flooded, Florida in the US and the Somerset Levels in the UK spring to mind.
mind you if the UK loses the gulf stream life here will be impossible whatever we do.
I am certain man is a big factor in the earth warming. I’m also pretty certain that we won’t change enough to make a difference. I’m in the last quarter of my life so don’t believe it will be too much of an issue in my lifetime, but I would like to leave a better future for my children and grandchildren, not a worse one. I still utilize the things we all take for granted like gasoline powered cars, AC, and such, but I do try to limit how much I use. As an individual I think that’s about the best you can do. I don’t believe I would consider buying beachfront property in any low lying areas though….
Yes there is Global Warming or Climate Change or both. (Whatever you want to title it)

It is caused because the Earths orbit around the sun is elliptical, not circular.
We are in the sector of the orbit that is bringing the planet closer to the sun, thus the increase in the temperature.
No amount of cutting CO2 emissions is going to make a blind bit of difference to the temperature.
There is no correlation between CO2 and temperature except in interglacial periods like the current one -- but this correlation is the reverse of what people expect -- CO2 rises hundreds of years AFTER the warming (due to ocean outgassing). The CO2 was lower than today in the medieval warm period (MWP), which was warmer than today, the CO2 was higher in the little ice age than it was in the MWP. CO2 was higher in the 1950s and 60s when the big fear was a coming ice age than it was in the 1930s which were much warmer. There's no correlation. We are living in at the end of an interglacial warm period in an ice age, as you can see from MNwr's graph above. But that graph shows only part of the current ice age. Over a longer term you can see this. CO2 isn't shown in the graph below (from because there is no correlation -- CO2 can be high when the temperature is low, and vice versa.


The computer models are useless because they ignore all but a few of the many dozens of factors that affect climate. That doesn't mean we're not affecting the climate -- but a more important factor than CO2 is changing the albedo by chopping down forests and replacing them with concrete jungles. And it doesn't mean that climate change isn't a problem for us, because our agricultural system is not adapted to temperatures outside what we've had for the last 10,000 years -- but we need to be changing the way we grow our food and learning to adapt to changes in climate instead of farting around trying to reduce CO2.
must be a cultural thing, most countries (not China obviously) want to reduce their carbon emissions before we all become toast.
I'll let you in on a little secret. It's already too late. If we stopped doing everything that puts CO2 in our atmosphere right now, and that is not going to happen, the excess, released by burning fossil fuels, will be around for at least hundreds of years. We can't stop it so we are going to have to adapt to it.
the polar caps will melt and anywhere low lying will be flooded,
Hate to kinda make your statement look a bit askew, but if we all take a look at an iceberg, we will notice that only a portion of it is ABOVE THE WATER LEVEL....10% to be a matter of fact. Which moves me to remind all of you that if so much ice much of it will actually be :RAISING THE LEVEL OF THE OCEAN?? only about, wait for it....yes!!! the same 10%.
Now. If we take a look at the glaciers higher up and actually ON TOP OF THE LANDMASS, then, yes, more water will be available to actually raise the level of the oceans a bit. But, what the hell, we can live without Italy, Holland and a few private islands anyway or??
Hate to kinda make your statement look a bit askew, but if we all take a look at an iceberg, we will notice that only a portion of it is ABOVE THE WATER LEVEL....10% to be a matter of fact. Which moves me to remind all of you that if so much ice much of it will actually be :RAISING THE LEVEL OF THE OCEAN?? only about, wait for it....yes!!! the same 10%.
Incorrect. Floating ice that melts will not raise ocean levels at all. Remember, why does ice float to begin with? It is less dense than water. When the part of the ice under the water line melts, it takes up less space. 10% less :).

Take a glass of water, add 6 ice cubes, mark the water line and let it melt.

Now. If we take a look at the glaciers higher up and actually ON TOP OF THE LANDMASS, then, yes, more water will be available to actually raise the level of the oceans a bit. But, what the hell, we can live without Italy, Holland and a few private islands anyway or??
100% correct. I believe the last estimate was an 18 foot rise in ocean levels???
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So, let's assume that human action does affect climate change . . . which is in doubt.
If it does, I WANT MORE climate change.
Look at history; just the last 1000 years will do for several instances. The times of significant starvation, sickness, death and therefore significant population decrease have been times of cooling, not too much heat.

So, let's crank up those big petrol cars and build a lot more coal-fuelled power stations!
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Methane (according to the global warming scientists) has 25 times as much effect on global warming as CO2.
Where does most of the methane come from?
In the Americas and in Africa: Wetlands and rainforests
In Asia: East India and CHINA. The methane production in China dwarfs the rest of the world.
This is a visualization of global methane concentrations from NASA:

From: SVS: Earth Day 2020: Global Atmospheric Methane
I'll let you in on a little secret. It's already too late. If we stopped doing everything that puts CO2 in our atmosphere right now, and that is not going to happen, the excess, released by burning fossil fuels, will be around for at least hundreds of years. We can't stop it so we are going to have to adapt to it.
Unfortunately, I believe you are correct here. I will add though that by reducing the output of CO2 and other pollutants we can reduce the severity of the effects. I just think there is little chance of the entire world will slow their outputs. For any substantial change there will need to be a major breakthrough in battery technology and in power plants. It will happen, but not as quickly as it needs to be. We should have been working on innovation for these things since the 40’s. Oil was just too cheap for anyone to care to.
Incorrect. Floating ice that melts will not raise ocean levels at all. Remember, why does ice float to begin with? It is less dense than water. When the part of the ice under the water line melts, it takes up less space. 10% less :).

Take a glass of water, add 6 ice cubes, mark the water line and let it melt.

100% correct. I believe the last estimate was an 18 foot rise in ocean levels???
Depending on how warm it gets I’ve seen estimates up to 30-50’. Luckily I live 1410’ above sea level here!
The only guarantee is that none of us, or many generations will ever know for sure. And yet many people are willing to give up our current standard of living, give trillions to the UN, all for a half assed theory. Sounds really stupid to me.
If you look at the history of US "public education" (whose origins are from Germany in the 1800s), the intention behind it was not benevolence toward "the masses"; the intention was to create a compliant population.
It has been very effective in that mission.
Most people do not know how to reason.
They are thus easily swayed with BS propaganda, whether it is "the war on terror", "global warming/climate change" or "the pandemic". There WILL be other effective public opinion warping initiatives which will result in increased control and more social destruction.
And yet many people are willing to give up our current standard of living, give trillions to the UN, all for a half assed theory.
The collective standard of living in the West has been going south for decades now so this will make no difference. Once all the easily available oil has been extracted and burnt the average Joe will be plunged into abject poverty anyway, 17th century style living for most. And all the pointless jobs that have arisen during the oil age will vanish too, I can't see anything other than the mass dieoff that has been predicted myself. It's going to be an interesting few decades ahead, I'm glad I'm out in the boonies and somewhat prepared.

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