Anyone else worried about Ebola?

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Oct 11, 2014
Just seeing peoples opinions about it as im new to this and prepping :)
It is in America, and by the looks of it they cannot contain it as they can't track down everyone he was in contact with.
I live in the UK and I predict it will come here within 2 weeks.
it can end up in the UK just as easily as here in the you might try doing your research.ask your questions. learn what you can do to protect yourself from the way of mask,gloves,suiets/outfits,shoes tape and other things needed.and maybe look for a place to live way out from others.that is if you dont already
and as mentioned in the shoutbox,check the healt thread really good,read it with thought!
you would be stupid if you didn't worry..when you worry you wanna do some thing to ease that feeling,that's why you/we prep..the more you learn, stronger the possibility that YOU might be the one that saves your loved ones
if it ever gets into this country the best thing to do is totally avoid other people and go into personal quarantine/lockdown.
Same prep as a flu epidemic.

1. Avoid people who appear to be sick.
2. Wash hands often and thoroughly, especially if in contact with public surfaces
3. General cleanliness
4. If you develop ebola-like symptoms, go to a hospital, and get tested. Chances are, they'll refuse (thinking you have the flu, and send you home like the guy in Dallas), so mention you've recently been in Liberia and as customary there, a lot of kissing with greetings, then try to kiss the nurse, and chances are, you'll get your test!!!
Same prep as a flu epidemic.

1. Avoid people who appear to be sick.
2. Wash hands often and thoroughly, especially if in contact with public surfaces
3. General cleanliness
4. If you develop ebola-like symptoms, go to a hospital, and get tested. Chances are, they'll refuse (thinking you have the flu, and send you home like the guy in Dallas), so mention you've recently been in Liberia and as customary there, a lot of kissing with greetings, then try to kiss the nurse, and chances are, you'll get your test!!!

#4 just cracked me up. I guess we have to laugh during all of the doom and gloom.
Worried??? Hell yeah. I think many are worried. However I am not worrying to the point to where if I see a sick person I will think dear God they have Ebola. With flu season coming I am sure many folks will start freaking out not me. I keep a level head all the time. When I hear it's 20 miles from me then I will start sealing the doors.:)
#4 just cracked me up. I guess we have to laugh during all of the doom and gloom.

Funnier still, I'm not joking, I would SO do that, if I thought I needed the test.
Avoid anyone who looks sick? I think I would just not go outside and stockpile stuff LOL
wiht all the massive stupidity around us,it seems like a very good time to get worried and if you don't have any stockpiles,get them now!!!
I don't believe we should worry ourselves sick to the point of making irrational decisions but to stay focused and keep an eye on the news and not just on one channel/station. Right now the news is a little dumbed down because of the elections here in the states so one has to read in between the lines a tab bit! Also as an FYI, I am seeing many sites pushing the N95 mask, keep in mind this mask filters down to .3 microns, ebola is roughly .08 microns that's .22 microns smaller then what the mask is capable of filtering ;)
Don't discourage the masks though, as it is flu season, so it least they could help against a much more likely threat, i.e., the flu, hehe......

Certainly no need to panic at this point, but I am rather outraged at how piss poor the response is, and how seemingly light our government seems to be taking the threat. There are some fairly simple steps that could be taken to lessen the problem, that just aren't being done for whatever reasons....

1. Make 15 min test available for use.
2. Demand said test of those flying out of afflicted nations prior to boarding a plane, ship, etc. leaving the country.
3. Enforce stricter protocols for anyone coming in ER's, etc. with Ebola-like symptoms, and separate these individuals from other patients until (see number 1) comes back negative.
4. If an individual tests positive, IMMEDIATELY enact full military protocols for hazmat, and transfer them to one of the few hospitals in the nation fully equipped to deal with this type of virus. (there are like 4 or more such hospitals).
5. Quarantine any healthcare personnel who had contact with patient's fluids. I mean a REAL quarantine for 21 days, not going out for takeout, not going on a cruise, not hopping a plane for another state, etc., etc.
and #6 is..stop outgoing and incoming flights going to and coming from countries that has ebola..mainly flights that are coming in from said countries....
There's a problem with the travel ban solution though.

Here's the scenario. I'm flying out of Nigeria to the US. Now, the US says I cannot.
So, what do I do? Easy. I fly to some other nation that will allow me in. THEN, I get a plane from THERE into the US as a completely separate ticket.

In theory, the travel ban would still prevent this, but ONLY IF the security folks actually check more than just the last passport stamp, and look at the dates, but I have to tell you, as a former frequent flyer, I have ZERO faith that they would do so, and my solution above would work over 90% of the time. (especially if they hopped to two different nations prior to entering the US).

So, a travel ban is just not going to work. (and worse, bypass screenings that might have helped due to flight origin).
only way i see a tranel ban if the country with ebola,or what ever..puts a complet stop to ppl leaveing the country untill further notice..but yet we do still have one problem there..the ppl with their own privete jets..their the ones to worry about the most dureing a such case..
wow,I placed an order for some extra filters for my mask on sat after sauna,got a msg,they are ready for pick-up from the delivery company
Well, folks could always leave the country through other means too (walking, driving, boat, etc.).
A travel ban would have to coordinate all of these to be effective. Also, it really affects a nation's ability to function economically.

For all these reasons, if they simply allowed the quicker tests at the airports, they could nip the problem in the bud, right there, without a lot of inconvenience, and without disrupting commerce, while also ensuring people don't try and circumvent the measures.
and if people wan't to leave we all now they will..agree with Gazrok about the tests
This "self quarantine" idea is the weakest thing I've ever seen. Because NOBODY is going to follow it. Or at least the vast majority aren't. (I would, as it would be a nice little vacation! long as work paid me for it).
Ebola will not disperse.............. will be quickly quarantined in this country.......and in Africa for years........... " test run " ............. just like the "Boston Marathon " bombing..................but of course..........I'm a paranoid conspiracy simpleton .
So, now the plan is that flights from affected countries must land at airports with enhanced security for this.

So, what about those who had connecting flights, so are now technically coming from Frankfurt or London, etc.?
I'm doubting most would be doing a direct flight from West Africa to the US. When we used to fly to the Middle East, it was typically Tampa to New York, New York to London, London to Riyadh (if we were lucky, or often it was London to Frankfurt, then to Riyadh).
it's gonna be a hard time to keep track of all those who take a connecting flight...and if you don't connect your tickets and fly from west Africka to Frankfurt first and with a separate set of tickets Fra-NY,in the bookingsystem you show up as "person who comes only from Franfurt to NY" flights from Africa..
It will most likely pop up in several large countries, but it's really no hazard. It's only transmittable through bodily fluids- KEY WORDS: BODILY FLUIDS.
As long as you don't have a Liberian taxi driver spitting into your mouth, you should be fine.

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